1. My song

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Mariah Winters
Las Vegas, NV || 9:21pm

I step out of the hot shower, soaking my damp hair into a soft towel attempting to dry it. I then dry my body off, and pick out an outfit to wear to the club.

I choose out a black halter top, denim shorts, and my white doc martens. I curl my jet black hair into soft ringlets before applying my makeup. I do a light smoky eye, apply eyeliner and then lipstick. I grab my purse which contained my phone, wallet and keys before stepping into the room next to mine which belonged to my friend, and roommate, Madison. I hop onto her bed, watching her finish up her makeup as I scroll through Instagram on my phone.

I lived in a house with 3 other girls: Madison, Luna, and Anastasia. We all went to the same university and high school, and remained friends. We are all really close, but tonight Anastasia and Luna were out with their boyfriends leaving me and Madison to go to the club so we could have some fun tonight.

"All done." Madison says as she flips her blonde hair over her shoulder and smiles at my reflection in the mirror. She adds on her necklace, before grabbing her purse and following me out the door. We call an Uber to take us to the club, knowing that one of us was bound to get wasted as fuck.

At the club, there were many people partying already. Madison and I instantly split up. "Later Mariah, i'm off to find a guy!" She says before walking into the crowd, i laugh softly before wondering around, not knowing where to go. I eventually end up in the back of the club, sipping on my Shirley Temple, watching the band that was currently preforming.

I'm swaying my hips to the beat when I hear a voice repeatedly saying, "Excuse me, sorry." My eyes glance over to the noise noticing that it was coming from a familiar looking boy. He looked about my age and was very attractive. He moves his way through the crowd trying to get to the bar, I assume. He eventually reaches me and thats when I recognize him fully.

I grab onto his arm, and stare him right in the eyes before my faces forms a huge grin. "Holy shit, you're Shawn Mendes." I say, as he bites his lip before chuckling. I continue, "What are you doing at a night club in Vegas?" He pauses before replying, "I just preformed a concert here last night, and decided to stay and enjoy the city a little longer before I leave tomorrow." He says, forming a cute smile. "But right now, i'm gonna head into the restroom where it's a bit quieter so I can call my manager real quick on something." He says over the music. I move a little bit so he can reach the men's restroom before giving me one last smile. I watch him until he suddenly turns around, "Wait, what's your name?" I giggle a bit before replying. "Mariah. What's yours?" I say jokingly as he laughs before disappearing into the restroom.

I turn my attention back to the music as Madison comes running up to me with excitement in her eyes. "Oh my gosh Mariah guess what?" She exclaims, excited. I raise my eyebrows for her to continue. "The club is allowing anyone to go up there and sing!! You have to sing that one song you've been working on!" she finishes. I shrug my shoulders before setting down my drink and shaking my head. It's not like I had stage fright, I've preformed in front of big crowds before, but they were always covers of popular songs people knew. I've never sung my original handwritten songs in front of anyone before, besides my room mates.

"Oh, please mariah? You and I know that you have a great voice and your original songs are so unique and catchy! Please go up and sing! Plus-- you're hot! People will notice that and your vocals and next thing you know-- bam! You're famous!" She says. I shrug my shoulders before finally giving in.

"I guess, why not?" I say before she grabs my hand leading me to the stage. I step onto the brick platform overlooking the whole entire crowd. Almost everyone from the club was staring with suspense in their eyes, wondering how i was going to sound. I begin to feel a bit nervous, thanking the lord that Shawn was in the restroom. There was no way i'd be able to preform in front of him without falling apart in nervousness. I take a deep breath before introducing myself and telling the guitarist what notes to play for my song. He nods with a smile, before starting. My lyrics smoothly fall into the crowd, people clapping in excitement. Once i'm done singing, everyone is shouting for an encore as I leave the stage in a fit of smiles. A couple of people ask me, "Why aren't you famous?" and "You and your voice are so beautiful!" I thank everyone before going back to my spot in the club. Madison comes up to me, cheerfully hugging me. "That. Was. Amazing!" She practically yells. I pull her aside remembering to tell her that I met the Shawn Mendes.

"Madison, you'll never believe who i just met right before i went up to go sing?" I say, my eyes twinkling. "Shawn Mendes?" She says, with a smirk. My eyes grow wide before asking, "Uh, yeah actually. H-how did you know?" confusion laced in my voice. "I just saw him leave the club, right after you sang. He had this huge smile on your face and he watched your entire performance." She says, still smirking. I feel my heart flip in happiness and also fearfulness. "Madison, what if he didn't like my voice?" I say worrying.

"Mariah. Trust me. You've should've seen him smiling during your performance. I've never seen anyone happier."

I smile as i blush uncontrollably. Madison hugs me, before looking at her watch. "I say we get something to eat, and then head home. It's 1:13am, and i've already made out with 4 guys." She says as I giggle following her out the door as we call up an Uber.

After we grab a bite at In-N-Out, we head back to our house. Madison instantly falls asleep in her room as I try to fall asleep as well. I'm still in shock that Shawn heard my voice and my song. I wonder if he thought about me at all after he left. I smile as I slowly drift off into sleep.


Authors note
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter even though it was kind've of boring. The next chapter will be better hopefully

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