Ep. 1: The Message from Requiem

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(Note: There are more Jathena moments in here. It also features the appearance of Kuroto Dan a.k.a. Kamen Rider Gemn.)

Zero Day has begun, but the Kamen Rider Club is in Encantadia, looking for Origin's uncle, Sang'gre Requiem, who must have knowledge about the Dark Energem Cores. James and Athena decide to walk together, but on one condition: they have to bring Emily along. Meanwhile, Origin was able to track down Requiem, but also sensed a Dark Energem Core around the area.

"I wonder why we have to walk alone." Athena asked. "Tell me, James. Why do want to walk with me alone?"

"It's because I wanted us to bond more, Athena." James replied. "I'm already so close to Emily, but I don't know why she's tagging along with us."

"Jaaames, you know that I'm your twin sister, and we've been so close since we were kids." Emily said.

"Sorry, Emily, but your brother and I are pretty much alike. We're both introverts, we know how to fight, and we're just as close as with you and James." Athena explained to Emily, not knowing that the latter is jealous. "Why, Emily? Are you jealous that James is hanging out with me lately?"

"You know what, yes. I'm jealous of you and James, and that's because I know James more than you do, Athena." Emily retorted. When they were walking, however, they were met by Gemn Corp. CEO Kuroto Dan (Kamen Rider Gemn), who looks like he is about to attack the threesome.

"How's your walk?" Dan asked, pulling out the Dangerous Zombie Gashat. "I wouldn't mind interfering with that moment of yours." Dan eventually whips out the Bugster Buckle and the Gashacon Bugvisor, and combines the two into the Buggle Driver. Dan then activates the Dangerous Zombie Gashat, inserts it to the Buggle Driver and presses the red button on the side.

"Buggle Up! Danger! Danger! (Genocide!) Death the Crisis! Dangerous Zombie! (Zombie Screech)" The Buggle Driver announced, and ends the transformation of Kamen Rider Gemn Zombie Gamer Level X. (Note: Zombie Gamer Level X just made its debut at the time of writing, so I thought it would be cool to pit Agito versus Gemn.)

-Meanwhile, on Origin and the Kamen Rider Club...-

"Uncle Requiem should be around here, he usually helps out in Ev'ki's blacksmith." Origin explained, not knowing that they have arrived at the blacksmith. "He must be around here somewhere. Keep finding."

That's the time when Requiem appeared in front of them, via teleportation, and greeted the Kamen Rider Club as well as his nephew, Origin. The latter then asked what was going on with the Dark Energem Cores.

"Well, to prevent Ether from seizing the power of darkness, your mother, aunts and I hid the five Dark Energems. We didn't know they have sentience. Why do you want to know, Origin?" Requiem asked.

"They're starting to resurface." Origin answered. Suddenly, the Club and the two were met by Gemn, who threw James, Athena and Emily to the ground. Dan seems to be smiling.

"Don't you ever expect these fools to come running by me, or else." Dan proclaimed. He proceeds to kill the three of them via the Critical End, but the finisher was halted by John Royce, who was left paralyzed after the attack. The Club takes John to a medic while James angrily looks in front of Dan.

"You will pay for the injury of my friend, Sir Dan!" James said angrily, materializing the Alter Ring. James then challenges Gemn to a square-off, to which he reluctantly agrees. Dan then tells Origin to transport them to the kingdom of Sapiro, where the battle will take place. Sang'gre Danaya was present in the Agito-Gemn square-off, unaware that Dan has a plan up his sleeve.

-Meanwhile, at the Mk. III Koraos Spaceship...-

Supreme watched from the window of the bridge of the Koraos Spaceship as the residents of Regios City get transformed into Bugsters, while at the same time developing a new Rider Gashat to achieve the goal of "ultimate power". The name of the Rider Gashat is "Project Demia." (Note: Surprised? This part actually foreshadows the events of the 3rd and final part of the Heisei Generations trilogy, entitled Kamen Rider Agito x Kamen Rider Origin: Rise of Demia.)

"Time will come for the Bugsters to dominate this world." Supreme declared. "Once I finish Project Demia, I will evolve into a much stronger being; Demia. With the Demia Gashat in my hands, no one can stop my plans on restarting Zero Day. "

-Back in the kingdom of Sapiro...-

James and Kuroto ready themselves for the big fight, as they charge towards each other, but the latter attacked first, throwing James to the ground. Kuroto is about to finish James using Critical End, but the latter negated the finisher by grabbing the former's leg, and slams his body to the ground. Kuroto barely feels any pain, and manages to survive unscathed. He then tries to land a kick on James' face.

"I have more than one trick up my sleeve, Agito." Kuroto said, smiling.

"Really, and what is that trick, Kuroto?" James asked, not knowing that he has a connection with Supreme.

-End of Ep. 1-

What do you think is the "trick" that Kuroto had in mind? You can find the answer out when Ep. 2: Truth of the Legion Mate has been uploaded. Here's the synopsis for Truth of the Legion Mate:

Ep. 2: Truth of the Legion Mate

As Kuroto and James finish their battle, the former reveals Supreme's ultimate plan for Zero Day. The latter hesitated to finish him, as he is the only person who holds the information about the Project Demia Gashat. Meanwhile, the Shadowlith begin to rise up and possess most of the Bugsters. How will James adapt to the situation?

I'm so sorry for making this super short, but it's worth it regardless. Thank you!!!


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