The King's Assassin

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In a kingdom that had rarely seen civil unrest or a serious epidemic in the past three decades of this King's rule, wore a gloomy look since yesterday, after an announcement was made about a capital punishment. Every street had a deserted look, people were confined to their homes discussing in hush voices about the punishment and its meal. Even the ever glorious and noisy market to the resonating sounds of the temple bells were all marauded of their sounds. In all, they depicted the King's mood.

 It is common for a judge who has awarded a death penalty to the convict to not sympathize with the punished. Yet, a few do put their thoughts out of the judgement until it is executed. The King walked with his head bent to and fro in his bedroom, acting he was deaf to the screams and agony of the queen, who knelt on the bed with hands joined, praying to cancel the execution. The King was probably sad or rather annoyed that he couldn't stand the queen's screams anymore and silently walked out of the room and summoned the chief minister to the palace. The chief minister rushed to the palace at midnight on hearing the message. The King was clearly not in his mettle and bore a confused look on his face. The chief minister stood there and spoke nothing and waited for the King to break the silence. The King finally spoke.He asked if all the proofs that were clearly against the accused true and evident.The chief minister answered in affirmative. He then slowly added that it was not a good idea to ponder over the judgement announced after examining all the evidence and considering witnesses. The King turned and gave a stern look and asked the minister to call the assassin to the North-East tower basement immediately and not to accompany him there.

The basement of the North-East tower, was in fact quite dark, with little light from two torches burning diagonally opposite to each other across the floor. Only the King was in, anxiously waiting for the assassin. A shadow of a tall man slithered cross the floor suddenly; and it quickly disappeared behind its owner.

 "Time for some harvest?" asked the man casually.

 "Yes. But I am confused if the farmer is me or you" said the King.

 The man laughed as he said, "When did this old kid think of crossing my way?"

But this clearly infuriated the King and he bellowed, "THIS IS NO TIME FOR YOUR FLIPPANT QUESTIONS!" He continued softly with a tone of bewilderment, "There is a Capital punishment at sunrise."

 The assassin looked puzzled, "Ha ha! Is it for me? Who's the convict?"

 The King was silent. He then walked toward the side turning away from the assassin, as though in shame, "The prince".

 "What? YOUR son!" exclaimed the assassin.

 "Don't tell me that!", yelled the king.

 "Alright, so your going to execute your... ahem that bastard?" sly-ed the assassin.

 In a fit of rage the king pulled out his dagger and charged against the assassin, but was pushed aside like an Old man caught in  a mob.

 "Okay, relax. So, the prince has committed a cognizable offense and has been proven guilty for which his execution is mandatory. So, why did you call me?" asked the assassin casually. 

 "Look over there. That's all yours" said the king pointing at a huge bundle next to the door.

 The assassin said,"I have already checked it", the king was shocked, "I am taking all the gold in it anyway, but what's the key in it for?" asked the assassin.

 "It is a key to a secret vault below the throne. All the treasure is yours. But, before that you will have to kill me."

"I have no problems in killing you", said the assassin. "But, you are my master and the very purpose I have been at your command is the safety of this kingdom. If I kill you, the kingdom will be in jeopardy and will turn vulnerable to external attacks. I alone can't defend it as not all your ministers and soldiers obey one man except you."

 "You do not understand the agony of a father. It is not easy to live with a guilty mind and the agony of losing.. no, killing one's son. I am also to be blamed for his deeds."

 "You should have foreseen all these before sleeping with the Queen bee.. after all you are the king!"

 "Dare not speak anything vulgar again you filthy scoundrel!"

 "It isn't  as vulgar as calling you cowardly friggin' smegma a king!"

 "WHOM DO YOU CALL A SMEGMA!" screamed the king, gripping the assassin's throat.

 "It is you, your majesty. A king cannot be a good father. If he asserts himself to be one, then he's a father to the entire kingdom and it's his duty to protect his subjects like a father. But, I feel, a king should be a farmer. An intelligent farmer, who plucks out all the weeds and those plants that are detrimental to the growth of the crops. You are doing the right thing, like a good farmer. You cannot own a weed at the cost of your farm. That's foolishness. You ought to understand that nothing is yours when you die, but while alive you ought to manage well of what you possess."

The king released the grip on the assassin's throat. He felt a sudden gush of blood in his brain, as though a clot that had been paining him was washed away by the strong current of the blood stream. They were silent for a minute. later the assassin walked to the sack of gold and picked it up.

 "Put it back there! You have not killed me and I am not dying." said the king authoritatively.

 The assassin smiled and held the sack up his shoulders. "Long live the King" and he vanished into darkness. The king ran after him and out of the tower, but could not sight him. He walked towards his chariot and commanded his accompanying guard, "Prepare the guillotine. Send for the executioner."

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