~ chapter 1~

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(5 years ago)
Its the first day of middle school I'm this shy delicate little kid excited to finally start middle school.

Getting ready for school I curl my hair and put it half up half down, I grab my bookbag and phone then run downstairs and grabbed a Pop-Tart.

"Morning sweetie....have a good day at school" mom said kissing my head before heading to work.

Getting on the bus heading to school I get this weird feeling in my stomach and I really don't like it.

Getting to school I walk to the front office to get my schedule, sitting on one of the benches I look over my schedule and seen i have math first.

Walking into the classroom I sit in the far right corner of the room in the back by the window, playing on my phone I noticed someone sat next to me.....looking up my eyes come in contact with a pair of brown eyes.

"Hi I'm emery" the boy said.

"H-hi I'm-I'm Luna" i said.

"Okay class get in a group of two" the teacher said.

"Would you like to be my partner luna" emery asked.

"Ummm... Sure" i said.

Throughout the three years of middle school me and emery had all classes together and I really opened up to him we've become best friends, inseparable in fact......TILL

(first day of junior year)

Getting ready for school I put my outfit on.....

Getting ready for school I put my outfit on

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And head out the door.

Walking into school I get a lot of looks from guys till that one guy looks at me...( EMERY KELLY) my ex best friend.....holding back the urge to cry remembering what happened freshman year still hurts me.
(flash back)
Emery texted me to meet him at the park.
Walking to the park I see emery and I walk up to him a hug him but he didn't hug back.
"Emery is everything okay" I asked.
"we can't be friends no more"he said.
When he said those words it broke me.
"What? Why?" I asked scared of his answer.
"I don't know...i just....we just can't I'm sorry" he said just standing there.
I slowly backed away letting the tears just fall.
"Luna please don't cry....I'm sorry.....their making me do this..." He said and started to walk towards me.
"NO.....stop down touch me.....i opened up to you, we've been best friends for four fucking years and now that two guys come in to he picture you decide to throw everything we ever did together away....." I said still crying.
"I'm sorry " he whispered looking down.
"Whatever" I said and walked away.
Getting to school I go to my locker and Ricky and Liam walk up.

"Yo wassup bro" Ricky said.

"Sup" I said.

"You okay" Liam asked.

"Yea " I said.

"Okay....so Brandon is having a party tonight are y'all in"Ricky asked.

"Yea bruh I would never miss a party" I said.

"Good cause my sister told me that her best friend Luna was gonna be there and Luna is fine as hell" Liam said.

"HEY" I said a little angry.

"Whoa emery calm down....why are you so over protective right now" Ricky asked.

"Ugh me and Luna use to be best friends in middle school... We were inseparable, TILL....we got in high school and I started hanging around bad people and they fucked my brain up and I texted Luna to meet me at the park and I told her we can't be best friends no more" I said

"Damn who we're they" Liam asked.

"They were juniors when I was a freshman they names were Jackson and lyric" I said.

"But why did the make you do that to Luna" Ricky asked.

"They said she was getting in the way that she was no good for me and if I didn't end that friendship they would do something bad to me and they were pretty scary looking dudes I wasn't gonna piss them off" I said."i made her cry....i need seen luna crying before and it broke my heart that I was the reason for it" I added.

"Bruh and have you  talked to her since that day" ricky asked. 

"No I can tell she hates me" I said.

"Why would she hate you" ricky asked.

"Oh I don't know.....we we're best friends from four years and out of the blue i tell her we can be best friends no more and I don't give her a reason why" I said.

"Well there she is you should go talk to her" Liam said and I turned around and there she was.

We had eye contact for 8.5 seconds and I can tell she was holding back her tears.

"Go talk to her you pussy"Ricky said and pushed me.

"Okay okay" I said and walked over to her.

Walking over to her I do what i usually did when I came to see her at her locker.

"Guess who" I sang.

"Emery what do you want" she snapped and I removed my hands from her eyes.

"I just wanted to say hey and see how ya been" I said.

"You just wanted to say hey and see how I was OMG your so unbelievably ridiculous" she said closing her locker, put her bag on and leaned up against the lockers.

"Luna please let me explain I understand you hate me..i don't blame you....but please le me explain" i said.

"No i don't have time to listen to you pathetic excuse if you wanted to tell me why you could've ran after me that day now move" she said.

"NO" i said putting bout my arms against the lockers blocking her.

"Emery move" she demanded.

"No it's been to long and i miss you" i said truthfully.

"Emery...why are you doing this? If you missed me then you would've done something, you hurt me in ways no one would ever have" she said quietly.

"Luna I'm sorry please let me explain" i said.

"I..." She said then the bell rung.

"Let me take you out for lunch today then I'll explain" I said.

"I don't know"she said.

"Please Luna I'm sorry please" I beg.

"Ugh fine" she said.

"Yay Thank you"I said excitedly.

"This better be worth my time Kelly" she said.

Guy I hope y'all like this chapter👍👍😍😊

The one that got away.......(emery T. Kelly)Where stories live. Discover now