Chapter 1

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"Yoongi hyung!!!!!"Park fucking Jimin shouted,knocking on my door at 2 in morning.But as a cold heartless bitch I am,I just ignored it and Continue to sleep."Hyung!"he knocked harder,trying to gain my attention.Fuck it,I'm not gonna move for some stupid reason,or in this case,Jimin...
"Hyung please open the door and let me in"he cried.I could hear soft sobbing."Hyung"he whimpered.Is he crying??
" the door please"he begged.I kicked my blanket lazily and went to Door to open it,revealing Jimin's crying face."Yoongi Hyung!"he hugged me tightly.His face was red and his eyes were swollen from crying too much.He continued sobbing into my chest,not giving any explanation first."Let's go inside"I whispered.
I laid him down to my bed.I got up to get another pillow when Jimin grabbed my waist."Don't go"he squeezes my waist."I'l be back in a moment "I comforted him a lil before making my way to the closet."Yoongi's cold"He whimpered."I know"I replied ,pulling out a blanket from the closet.

I was about to lay down besides till I realized that he was only in his thin black tee and white shorts.(AN;I'll just leave it to you guys for the imagination)"Should I change his shirt or no?" I monologued to myself ."Aishh,this kid always ruin my day/night"I nagged silently and change his shirt into my oversized hoodie.I cover his body with the blanket and stopped for a moment to admire his beauty.Without me even noticing,I put my hand on his thigh,giving it a squeeze.

I caressed his not so chubby anymore cheeks gently,almost pulling it.Gosh how could someone be this beautiful.Suddenly an idea popped up in my mind.I rose and grabbed a roll of tape on the nightstand.

Maybe it's okay to have some fun in the middle of the night,right???

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