"And Human. Lets just drop it."

"Who's Human?" A girl named Ellie said walking up to Kyle.

"His Sister" Eddie answers.

"Oh" Ellie says.

Ellie was tall, with brown wavy hair. Model skinny too. She was dating William. The girl who stood next to him was Ella, she had big curly brown hair, a little taller than her boyfriend Rick.

"Why you have a human sister?" Ella asked this time.

"Step-sister, and that's just the way she is."

"She's not really human, but-"

"Human enough to be labeled Human." Stated. "Now, enough talk of my sister, she ditched, and We have a party to get to"

"Oh, one of them types.." Ellie inquires.

"Just because she doesn't want to party tonight, doesn't mean she is one of them types" Rick tries to defend.

"Yeah, right. Who doesn't want to go to a party with us?" Ella starts laughing.

"Girls, please, you haven't even met her. Probably doesn't even know what she'd missing."

"Maybe she's some secreat dangerous girl who loves risks and thrills! We dont know!"

"Ask Kyle, Eddie, He probaly knows" Ellie said taking Willys hand. "His sister right?"

They all started to walking again, headed to some club.

"Secret and dangerous? psh. On our way over here, we saw some girl walk into a werewolf club. She smelled.. Human."

"Whats that got to do with anything, Ella?"

"Oh you know, it was just odd. Human in a werewolf club on a Friday night, and on a full moon."

"Do we want to check this out?" Z asked.

"Can't we just go to the party??" Ellie wined.

"As anglic blooded creatures, we have the obligation to help those in trouble.."

"Z, you dont even know if this girl is really in trouble. And, when did you want to get all helpy helpie?" William persisted.

"Well, I'm curious. And, I love picking fights." Z strted to seperate from the group.

"I'm going with him!" Eddie yells joining Z.


Z put his hands up, but kept walking. He didn't care. Eddie laughed, and they walked off around the corner from where the girls had come from.

Kyle and the rest walked in the opposite direction of Ed, and Z.

"They are going to get themselves seriously hurt."Rick commented.

"As long as they get back to the house, they'll be fine."

"Werewolves on a full moon though!" Ella exclaimed, "They're crazy!"

Carzy is as Crazy Comes.

The boys let it rest. Brothers protect each other but, if two brothers were going to pick fights with wolves, the others should not get in the way. Ella said it might be a learning lesson for Z and Eddie. Those two were always gettign into fights. they acted more like demons, or darker/black magic blooded creatures then what they were. Since they lived in the human world, everyone knew its hard to stay with your blood nature. Everthing is taught, but not eveything learned.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2014 ⏰

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