The Demon Bear

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The screen changed to the teen's bursting into the open, huge smiles on their faces and laughing

The parent's (But Gothel, god how many times am I gonna write that? and Stoick i forgot to put that on the other chapters that mention the parents and including Gobber, who is Elenora's godfather and Gothi who is Elenora's grandmother who I also forgot to put on ther other chapeters that mentioned parents) smiled

It had been a long time since they heard them laugh

They dismounted and edged towards the other side of the small clearing, and looked past the tree's, only to see the DunBrouch Clan just down the hill

Merida gasped

"What is it?" Rapunzel asked

"Just- just nervous" Merida said

They nodded in understanding

Elenora looked over to the horizon, as the sun began to set

They must have been racing each other for awhile

"We should make camp here" Jack said

They nodded in agreement

The screen changed to the six and dragon sitting round a camp fire, roasting some fish, with a small pile in front of Toothless and the bear

"So, Merida, what are you gonna call her?" Wrenlou asked, gesturing to the bear

Merida tapped her chin in thought

"I think I'll go with... Buttercup" she said

Jack looked to Elenora and Wrenlou

"What with people and giving wierd names?" he mumbled to himself

The watchers, all but Jack, rolled their eye's

The others, even Toothless and the bear rolled their eyes cause they heard

"Oh I don't know, maybe it gives character, Jack FROST" Elenora said and emphasising the Frost in his name.

The bear, now named Buttercup, growled in happiness

Merida, who was sitting against her, scratched her behind the ear

The Highlanders (But Merida) gaped at the screen

The daughter of the Bear King, the Bear Killer, having a pet bear



The Six went back into silence

"How about another song?" Flynn asked

"Ya, sure. Rapunzel" Wrenlou said

Not needing to say any thing else Rapunzel started the song


"Grew up in a small town

And when the rain would fall down

I'd just stare out my window

Dreaming of what could be

And if I'd end up happy

I would pray"


"Trying hard to reach out

But when I tried to speak out

Felt like no one could hear me

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