Chapter Two

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Authors note: Since no one replied I went hunting for the perfect man to play the ranch-hand. The picture above is him. He is played by Paul Walker but his character's name is; Colby (Cole) Black. Please vote and comment so I know you guys are enjoying this book.

Cole's POV:

Cole breathe in the salty air as he rode one of the

Meribella's horses, Aragon. The Meribella's were an

older couple who loved their small ranch but were

unable to tend to it anymore. He arrived in Mirror

Shores 2 years ago ready to start over but had no clue

what to do. Thanks to the Meribella's Cole became their

ranch-hand and good friend. They had built a carriage

house and insisted on him staying there but even on

insisting he eat dinner with them. Cole looked at his

watch and knew he wad going to be later if he didn't

head back. He whistles and kicked Aragon's side

sending him into a full gallop home. As he neared the

ranch he saw the prettiest horse the Meribella's owned;

Snowfalls was a pure white Morgan horse.  Cole just

couldn't understand why they kept him. He was the

most dangerous and temperamental horse he has met.

He looks over the small ranch and noticed a cloud of

dust coming down the incredibly long driveway. Cole

wondered who would come this close to dinner and

without warning. Aragon stopped and Cole dismounted

him with ease, taking off tack and sending him to the

pastures just as he saw the SUV pull to a stop. "Whoa"...

Was all he could saw as he saw the pearl white brand

-new Range Rover. "Whoever they are must have some

good money" he mumbled and he made his way inside

the two-story ranch style home. Lucy Meribella was

slaying away in the kitchen and Jack Meribella was

seated at the table reading the daily paper while

waiting. The both looked up and smiled when they

heard him enter. Right on schedule there was a knock

on the door. Lucy looked up from the stove. "Be a dear

and get the door for us hun". She asked sweetly. Cole

walked over and kissed her cheek. "Of course Lucy. I

need to already work off a those calories I'm going to

eat". They all laughed as he went to answer the door.

Hopefully this will be quick. Cole couldn't wait to eat

one of Lucy's delicious hamburgers. When he opened

the door he had zero clue who this mysterious,

beautiful, underweight, blonde hair, blue/ gray eyed

woman standing in front of him was.

Sabrina's POV:

"I can't believe I'm finally home. Both fear and happiness"

were fighting for dominance. She shook her hair out

once more before existing the the safety of her vehicle.

Sabrina knocked on the door hoping she wouldn't be

turned away because of her actions in the past. The

next moment Sabrina heard heavy footsteps coming.

Which was strange because they were to heavy to be

her father's. She had zero clue who could be on the

other side of that door. When the door opened she

meet the most wonderful pair of warm chocolate

brown eyes. This man was tall, probably about 6/2

giant compared to her 5/5. He was very well built and

wore a cowboy hat. "Um... I'm looking for the Meribella's"

"they.. Still live here right"? The stranger at the door

looked at her questionably before answering. "Yes they

are but are busy I can tell them you stopped by miss"?

Then behind the man stood her parents who say her

name in unison their faces shell-shocked. The man

looked from her to them a few times. Sabrina's father

Jack then said "this is going to be a long night". "Come in


Remember guys! Vote and comment! I love you all stay beautiful and awesome! 😊

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2017 ⏰

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