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Matt's POV

"Let's get started!" I say after winking to the cute girl (Mallory, I think). I turn around, and as I lead my group onto the stage, I can't help but pick up some of the chatter going on.

"OMG, do you see what she's wearing? She looks like a farmer from the 1930's."

"Too bad she's not wearing boots. That would've totally added to the look."

"Oh my gosh, is she depressed? Look how her shoulders are slouching. And her hair? Soooooo ugly."

"ENOUGH!" I yell and spin around. Mallory's standing directly behind me with the others while a small group of girls are drifting a little behind.

"Who are y'all talking about?" I stride up to them. "Huh?" I stare each of them down. "What gives you the right to say those thi-"

I'm cut off when Whitney Coll (WHAT?!) appears from behind another girl.

"Hi, Matt," she says, stepping forward and batting her eyelashes up at me.

"Um...hi, Whitney," I say, looking around at everyone. I grab her arm and drag her to some empty stage area off to the right.

"Wha...um...what are you doing here?"

"Why, I'm auditioning, silly," she playfully slaps my wrist away. "When I heard that you were a creator, I just had to come!"

Whitney then leans in close to my ear.

"I see the way you're looking at the slum bag up there. You don't want to lose your chance, do you?"

"What are you saying?"

"What I'm saying is that you're not going to date her. You're not going to ask her out, flirt, or give her any signals. You're going to get back together with me, or your big secret is somehow, mysteriously revealed," she says slyly.

"Wait, don't you have a boyfriend?"

She holds up her left hand, revealing a ring. "A fiancé, actually. But you're more important to me."

"That's not right, Whit."

"Fine. Then just flirt with me and make her jealous. Or your secret comes out."


"I don't like her," she says simply.

I turn around and see everyone's eyes boring into me. I turn back.

"Whitney...I barely even know her."

"Good." She leans away and straightens her shirt. "Then it shouldn't be a problem."

She walks back to her clique, laughing and flipping her hair as if nothing happened. I walk to the front and continue towards the door at the back of the stage.

"Hey," I hear someone quietly call. Mallory catches up to me. "What was that?"

"Nothing," I say quickly and try to walk faster.

She keeps stride. "Seriously, what happened? You seem upset."

"Nothing, okay? It's none of your business. Leave me alone."

I look at Mallory and see the hurt registering across her face.

"Mallory, I-"

"No, it's okay. We don't know each other. Who am I to get in your personal business?" She stops and waits for the others.


I reach the door and turn to look at my group. I smile.

"Are you guys ready?"

They all silently nod.


No response.

"Okay then." I open the door.

Waiting for us inside is a medium sized room with a small, black stage, chairs about 5 feet in front of it, and a table with a chair near the back.

"Okay, guys. Go ahead and get situated in your seats and review your monologues. You don't have to memorize them, just get a good feeling for the scripts. I'm going to be sitting back here," I gesture towards the table, "and getting the order for your performances set up. In about..." I check my watch. "...10 minutes, we'll begin. Okay?"

No one moves.

"That means go."

"Oh," they all quietly mutter. They disperse off to the chairs to look over their scripts.

I walk over to the table. I'm setting down my papers when I hear, "Matt?"

Not Whitney again.

"What do you want, Whit?" I sigh, facing her.

"Awh, that's so cute."


"You know my voice without even looking at me!"

"Whatever. What do you need?"

"Oh, I was just wondering what you were talking to Mallory about."


"Is that so?"

"Yes, really! She asked me what we talked about and I told her to screw off. End of story."

Whitney reaches up and pats my head. "Good boy."

As she walks off, I look around the room and catch Mallory's eye. She quickly looks away.

If only she knew.


Hey everyone! I'm SOOOO sorry, it's been forever!!! I totally and completely forgot about this story until I opened Wattpad earlier and discovered it. Super sorry!!
Anyways, I know this was a really short chapter but I was just trying to get something out there. Let me know if you have any suggestions on what should happen next and/or any suggestions on what I can do better!
Please vote and leave a comment about your thoughts. Thanks! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2016 ⏰

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