Chapter 1:The Ehesti and the Canadian Rockies

Start from the beginning

Beenan, feeling really good from the [pass-through], proceeded to the rendezvous spot, where he was to meet with Beem. Beem was already there, waiting anxiously. Ok Beem, we're ready. Lets begin the concentration. They both focused their attention on 20th century earth, to a place on Mount Robson, in the Alberta Rockies, at approx. 10,000 ft. above sea level, in the time frame [end of July]. They had a focal point already pre-established by other Ehesti, who had been there before them. In what looked like a "scattering of stardust", they were no longer visible on Balenn and began re-assembling their molecules at the pre-determined focal point on earth. Reassembly of their molecules into chosen forms, took about 3 seconds. They were 2 1/2 meters tall and hairy. Their predetermined landing spot was in a cave on the east side of the mountain. It was mid-day, July 28th 1983 The sun was shining and the temp. was 55F. The inner-space sun that shines on Balenn is a constant. There are never any clouds or rain. There is no night, as we know it. Because Balenn is semi-transparent, its casts no shadows and consequently no darkness. Inner-space sun is not a heat source, like on earth, but it is just as bright. Beem and Beenan were understandably not as impressed with the sunny weather as we would be. Now that they were in their earthly bodies, Beem and Beenan began to feel the tug of gravity on their muscles. Beem noticed his hunger feelings first, of course, but Beenan was adjusting to the sudden shock of cold. It was similar to the shock of cold water a diver experiences, wearing a wet suit. The cold was short lived, and the warmth soon began to fl ow. There were signs everywhere of other Ehesti having been there and although there were no Ehesti visible locally, they knew that others from Balenn would show up sooner or later. Beem spotted his first Mountain Avers plant about 500 meters away. EUREKA he roared. Come Beenan, lets eat!!. Not right now Beenan replied. First come and have a look over here.

Beem reluctantly walked over to see what he was pointing at. On a mountain top about 2 miles away there was another Ehesti waving and looking over at them. [Although the Ehesti have telescopic vision, they cannot see through solid objects.] They were able to communicate with their new found Ehesti, telepathically, and they agreed to meet on Mount Robson that evening. Ok now can we eat whined Beem? They both proceeded to the Mountain Avers plant Beem had spotted earlier. These plants were growing surprisingly close to the forest growth, further down the mountain, and not well above the timberline, where they were usually found. That struck Beenan as odd, but he assumed that as so many Ehesti had been there before them, they must have eaten up all the plants above the timberline in this area, leaving only the sparse pickings lower down. The Ehesti did not like venturing too far down the mountain. They could run into Humans and also mama bears. They could communicate with the animals telepathically, bears included. No amount of telepathy could reason with a mama bear protecting her cubs, however. By staying above the timberline they avoided both the bears and the humans. Neither of them sensed any bears in the area so they proceed to eat the Avers plant. Beem began at once to dig up the roots with his huge hands. Beenan was happy with the bark and the berries for now. A jet fl ew overhead, on its way to Vancouver. Beenan looked up, with his telescopic vision, and spotted a woman's face in the window of the jet. He waved, and sent her a telepathic greeting. She was not blocking his telepathic attempt to greet her, like most humans do. She returned his greeting and waved back. Beenan was shocked. He had never been in communication with a human before. What a surprise!! He was so surprised, he forgot how fast the jet was moving and it was too late to reestablish contact. The jet was now over the horizon. Beem!. did you hear that? I communicated with a human. So what!? Beem replied, his mouth full. You know what happens when we meet humans. they are so full of fear that their first instinct is to kill us, communication or not. That's true he replied, but maybe these are special people? If we could meet these special people we could learn from each other. Fat chance Beem replied, how are we supposed to fi nd these [special ]people? At least we know some humans are telepathic now. That's a starting point. What if that woman comes looking for us? Way up here? Never, Beem replied, OK maybe your right, but now that we know at least some humans can communicate with us, how about if we agree, here and now, to attempt communication with every human we see, in case one of them is special, like the woman on the plane?. OK with me, Beem replied, But I'm not going out of my way to spot them. The chances of finding another are very slim. We'd be wasting our time. Ehesti don't waste time, that's a human trait, quipped Beenan sarcastically. You are eating so much, your brain is scrambling. Ha-Ha You know what I mean, Beem replied. Yes, the odds are against us, but don't forget, we have all the time in the world. Ha-ha returned Beem sarcastically, such subtle humor! They went back to eating their Avers plants. While they ate, they hummed what sounded like single notes, for long periods of time. The Ehesti notes vary up and down in frequency, as in our songs and music. The changes are so slight, that to the human ear, it all sounds like just one note. The Ehesti ears, however can hear the minute changes quite clearly. They react, similarly to the way we react to music we like. Beem and Beenan ate heartily and hummed their favorite songs for about 2 hours. That's it for me, murmured Beenan. I am full. I'm getting there myself, replied Beem but I think I'll eat for a while longer. Not me. I'm going over to the south ridge for a while, to look around. OK, I'll be along soon. Beenan walked over to the south ridge very slowly, still humming and enjoying the full feeling in his stomach. When he reached the ridge, he looked for a comfortable spot to sit down and rest, with a good view of the valley below.

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