Food Fight || Jennifer Lawrence & Josh Hutcherson Oneshot

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I hope you enjoy another Joshifer oneshot! Thank you for reading.

Josh's POV

It had been a long day of filming, Jen and I were glad to finally get away from set and back to our trailer. She told me she wanted to get changed first so I agreed to hang out with Liam for a bit then she would text me when she’s done. “You doing anything later?” Liam asks me, I nod and he looks at me suspiciously. “I guess you’re hanging with Jen, then?” A smile breaks out onto my face and he just laughs. I punch him playfully and he does the same back. “Well, you guys have fun. What are you waiting for?” I was just about to answer when I heard my phone go off, “That,” I replied, still smiling. We said our goodbyes and I made my way back to the trailer.

Because we shared that trailer, I didn’t have to knock so I just wandered in and found Jen sitting on the couch. She got up and hugged me tightly and I hugged back in the same manor. “Woah, take a shower!” She laughed and pointed towards the small bathroom in our trailer. I chuckled, “Alright then, bossy.”

I headed into the bathroom and stripped off my clothes, I climbed into the shower and scrubbed my body and quickly washed my hair. I was just about to get out when I heard Jennifer banging on the door, “Hurry up! I want cake balls!” She shouted from behind the door. “Alright, alright. I’m getting out now!” I replied, drying most of my body and wrapping a towel around my waist. I wandered out the bathroom and looked around, Jennifer must’ve been in the little kitchen we had because she wasn’t in the living area. I pulled on my boxers, some jeans and a tshirt and then turned around to see Jennifer smirking at me.

"Okay, how much did you see?" I said, placing my hands on my hips. She just giggled and turned around, wandering off to the kitchen. We didn’t really care about seeing each other naked or whatever since we are so close. I followed her and saw she got out the ingredients for the cake balls, "So eager," I teased, grabbing some bowls and a sieve.

Jennifer hits play on the stereo and we dance around the kitchen, preparing the cake balls. I teach her which order the ingredients go in, what the ingredients do, how certain ingredients give each flavour. I’m sure she’s bored by now, to stop my talking she grabs my tshirt and pulls me forward. “How do I stir this properly?” She asks, turning her back to me. I put my arm around her and place my hand over hers on the wooden spoon, “Like this,” I say, moving the spoon in circles. I was concentrating on Jennifer more than the actual cake mix. “Hey Josh?” She says, looking at me, “Josh! I think it’s well stirred.” I shake my head and return back to reality as she laughs at me.

We put the cake mix into a tin and place it in the oven, I set the timer and turn around to Jennifer to see she has the left over mix in her hand. At first, I thought she was going to eat it but she smirked at me. I looked at her confused, then I caught on. My eyes widened as she fired the cake mix at me, hitting me on the chest. My mouth dropped open as she flung some more mix at my face, some entering my mouth. “Oh, it’s on Lawrence,” I say, grabbing the whipped cream. I aim at Jennifer and push down on the button, covering her in whipped cream. “Take that!” I shout, pretty proud of how much actually hit her.

I was laughing until I saw her covering her face with her hand. Did I hit her in the eye or something? I walked over to her and just as I reached out for her, I heard her snicker. She grabbed the bowl with the left over cake mix and shoved it on my head, she laughed so loud it echoed around the trailer. Once I lifted the bowl I could see her pointing and laughing, “Gotcha!” She shouted between her giggles. I scooped the sticky cake mixture from my face and head, I stood still for a moment then leaped towards her, spreading the mixture all over her face. “Uhm, gotcha!” I replied in her tone. “Joshua Ryan Hutcherson, are you mocking me?” She said, wiping her face. “I… might be,” I reply, grinning.

She was just about to throw something at me when the timer went off, “Cake balls!” She screamed as I carefully pulled the tin out of the oven. We clean ourselves up as we waited for the cake to cool down, then we continued as if nothing had really happened. We made the cake balls, and ate a few and eventually decided to keep at least one for each cast member. I saw she had a bit of icing on her cheek, so instead of telling her, I decided to lean over and kiss her cheek, taking off the icing at the same time. She smiled shyly, “Thanks,” she said softly as she blushed. “No problem. Hey, I had fun today. Even though I’m a bit sticky.” She laughed, “Me too. Bagsy showering first!” I sighed, “Alright. Just ‘cause you’re cute, though.” She blushed again and I was pleased that I could make her blush so easily, it was weird to think I was falling for my best friend.

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