Gwen, SuperNova.

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(Gwen's POV)

I test the strength of the metal grate with my booted foot, peeking down the dark hallway. I silently turn the corner, keeping my gun ahead of me and checking around me every few seconds, searching for cameras and guards. I reach into a pocket on my belt, gathering the pale dust into my gloved hand and blowing it lightly, like a little kid blowing kisses. A web of green lines were arrayed in front of me, i was looking for a way to turn them off when i felt my partner bump into me. I fell forward, catching myself in a pushup position but having tripped about three of the green lazer alarms. My backup gasped, muttering sorries and my name. I hushed him, telling him not to give away who was here. I heard boots scuffle and guns and armor clang on the metal walls. We're in a dead end. I kick the grate under our feet, making it crash down into the sideways-elevator vault below us. My partner mutters again but i push him down. We run down the passage way to another vent in the floor. I kick it again and we drop into a silent, black metal hallway identical to the one two floors above. I glance back at a panicing back up, hold my finger to my lips and push on. I kick down a door and we're on a balcony. My partner has disappeared but i'm not alone. Three guards stand to my right, four to my left and two in front of me. I hear pointed shoes tap the metal grates and see small grubby hands push the two guards apart. Standing in front of me is the most dangerous person in the world, Cain Filtch. His polished shoes to his black hat screamed professional, polite even. Unless you could see the evil glint in his eye and the horror of his smile.

"We meet again. It seems that whenever i see you, you have an escape. Not this time, no, not this time. I will not let you get aw-" I back up to the balcony railing. I haven't ever said a word to Filtch and i don't plan to. Before he thinks to yell to his petty guard, i drop backward off the balcony. I was 42 feet up in the air. I hear shouting and the soft sound of leathery wings beating. I land on Rena with a thud and look up in time to see Filtch's pudgy face peering over the edge. He is not happy and the emotion does not suit him. I let a chuckle escape my lips and speed Rena over the busy streets of New York City.


(Cai's POV)

I walked down the hallway, trying to look important so no one stops me. I pass fancy looking software and what looks like a bomb blueprint. Then the hallway narrows and there are windows on either side. I'm in a hall passing through the "hanger" and am more or less surrounded by dragons. I knew a lot of the agents rode them but i've never seen them. Now I get to learn how to since I just got assigned as the new partner of the SuperNova. The SuperNova is the highest rank ever and there is only one. He must be so amazing! I can't wait to meet him! I actually get to be his partner and learn from him! I came to the end of the windowed hallway, bursting through a door into another room full of computers and important people. I stopped. I don't even know where im supposed to go. I tap someone on the shoulder and ask where SuperNova would be.

"SuperNova just got back from a mission, she'll be in her private hanger." The man i asked says, looking my street clothes up and down and adding, "Agency clothing can be found in room 206."

"Thank you..." I say, wondering where the SuperNova private hanger is.

"SuperNova's hanger is through a silver door at the end of the right wing of the hanger." He says, dismissing me after that to go back to tapping away at his fancy computer. I follow signs to the hanger. Once i'm in I'm surrounded by dragons. There are some in stalls, some chained to the ground or to rafters where they sleep upside down. Some are blue, some are green and some are red. All of them are brilliant and dangerous. By the time I get to the end of the wing I realized i went the wrong way. The snobby computer guy said the right wing! I turn and resist the urge to run down to the other end under all the wide eyes of the dragons. I caught sight of the silver door and am reaching for the door handle when a red and orange dragon spits fire past me. I scream. The silver door opens and someone grabs me and pulls me inside.

"ARE YOU AN IDIOT?!?!" a feminine voice yells, but i don't see anyone. I take in my surroundings. A dragon takes up most of the small space, it's scales glimmering blue, purple and black. A scuffle of boots come from the other side of the dragon as it flashes its brilliant wings at me.

when i didnt answer in my awe of the dragon standing infront of me, the mystery person yelled again.

"Why are you here!" so feminine... odd.

"I was assigned to be the partner of the SuperNova. Do you know where i can find him?" I ask, trying to keep my sudden fear of this person hidden. The fear deepened at the chuckle i was rewarded with.

"him..." more chuckling.

"Well?" I ask, getting irritated.

"don't 'well' me."

"I need to find my partner." I say, again intimidated by the harshness in the feminine voice.

"Look no further." The voice chuckled as a girl my age stepped out from behind the dragon's wing. Her blonde hair was in a braid that hung over her shoulder and she wore a fitted black shirt with sleeves that ended right above her elbows. She wore black cargo pants and the regulation black boots similar to the ones i was issued when i was brought here. Her eyebrow was cocked slightly and she looked irritated. I shut my mouth, realizing it was open.

"Never seen a girl before, private?" she said, using my agent status label.

"Uhhh... I have... i just... are you... you the supernova?" I stutter, looking at my boots.

"Last time i checked i have been for quite sometime... So they assigned me a parter again... will they ever listen to me?!" She muttered the first and second part under her breath, suddenly yelling the last part and kicking a bucket across the room. The radiant dragon disliked it and screeched, flapping it's wings.

"Hush, hush, Rena, I'm sorry. I'm sorry." she turns to the dragon, stroking it's shoulder. "if you're my partner, you'll be riding with me on Rena. Unless you have your own dragon?"

i frown, shake my head and look to the ground.

"Have you ever riden at all?"

I shake my head again, ashamed infront of such a pretty girl...

"Well, first lesson, always, ALWAYS listen to me. Second, don't fly her without me unless you somehow make it longer than all the others and she gets used to you and you have my permission. Third, always listen to me." She said, rushing around the room, putting riding equipment in my arms.

"you said one twice."

"I know. So, private, you got a name?"

"Uhm, Cai. My name is Cai. What about you? do i just call you SuperNova all the time?"

"Interesting name... Fitting though. For now, you call me SuperNova. After tonight's mission, we'll see. My last "partner" (she finger quoted the word partner) set off an alarm and dissappeared." She shrugged at the last part. Before i knew it, she was sitting on top of the magnificent creature and holding her hand out to me. I took it and landed behind her.

"Hold on!" she said, i could hear her smile in her voice.

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