'The Followers Of Lord Arlond'

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(Pic above Lindo isn't a follower of Lord Arlond, I just REALLY liked the photo)

"(Y/N), are you ready?" Ritsuka knocked on my door. "Yes!" I said, opening the door. I was wearing my new uniform. She smiled and clapped happily. "You look beautiful!" She complimented. I looked in a tall mirror. My hair was in a ponytail (If your hair's short just pretend), my hair was rested over my shoulder and my (E/C) eye's flashed without Ritsuka noticing. I blinked making my eye's focus, as I turned around and faced Ritsuka. "Can we go now?" I asked as she nodded happily, we walked out the house and walked toward Shiko Academy.

"So, you're telling me I have to go see the student council for all my stuff?" I asked. She nodded. 'Great.' I thought, groaning quietly. We made it in front of the school, it was actually really big. I took a deep breath until I heard a small 'bark' sound. I looked in my jacket pocket and saw I got a text from Roen. It read;

Be careful with the boy's, don't rough them up too much.

I put my phone back into my pocket and caught up to Ritsuka. "Was that your notification sound?" She asked curious giggling a bit. "It's my brother's ringtone, Roen. He loves dog's." I chuckled a bit. She smiled "Come on, I gotta show you to the council." She leads me into the school. Immediately I hear whisper's and mummers. 

"Is that a new girl?"

"She's cute."

"Cute, ha, she's drop dead gorgeous."

"A real angel has come to the school."

I heard all type's of conversation's about me. She leads me to a large door. "This is the council's room, just go in and you'll see them." I nodded, as a blonde girl called Ritsuka's name causing Ritsuka to run away and focus on the blonde girl. I took a deep breath, and I walked in pushing the large doors. I was standing in front of a long pathway to steps. I moved away from the door's letting them close behind me. I started to walk the path. "Are you the new 'hot' girl in school?" I heard a familiar 'butterfly' lover's voice. "Supposedly." I hissed like a snake. "Why are you here on the overworld, don't you belong in the Heavens?" A familiar showoff's voice spoke. "Remember, you all were standing at the door's as I walked in gladly." I scoffed. "Are you here for some happy pain?" A crazy voice spoke. "I'm already suffering," I said as I walked up the stairs slowly and carefully. "You're being very cautious, aren't you supposed to be sneaky as a snake." An Arlond spoke. "Not now." I chuckled, as I faced the Arlond followers.

Suddenly, I felt my body go into a full defense mode. My eye's looked like a snake's eye's, my flesh turned into scales. My tongue looked like a snake's tongue. "No need to be so defensive, we all know your not here to fight." Rem spoke, "Why should I listen? Devils are so untrustworthy." I chuckled. "How do I not know all this is a trap?" I asked. 'Don't attack go back to your regular form, (Y/N). Just talk.' Roen's voice echoed through my brain. I sighed, and everything that happened to my body was back to normal.

I hid my hands behind my back and slowly a small snake slithered out of my hand and sneaked it's way around the room patroling. "Now, all I need is my stuff, so I can go and be with Ritsuka." I hissed. "The way you make it sound like, makes it seem like you love her," Urie said, as the pervert he is. "Shut up, I don't love her. I'm here to protect and deliver." I said as Shiki gave me my stuff.

He smiled crazily at me like the masochist he is, as I left the room.

(Merry late Christmas, and ya'll demanded and I delivered!!)

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⏰ Última atualização: Dec 27, 2016 ⏰

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*Fallen Love* Shiki Natsumezka x Fallen Angel!ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora