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"What the--" I hear Jensen's voice as the car stops. I snap out of my drowsy trance and look at the road wherein three cars have blocked the way.

I don't see any person but there might be inside those cars. I couldn't really see because of the dim light and everything.

Jensen and I get out of the car at the same time. Me, mostly because I'm curious but as soon as I step out, I regret it.

A dozen of unfamiliar men starts appearing in the scene, either from the trees at the side of the road or the cars. All of them, familiar, from this town yet I don't know them.

They all wear vicious glares and almost rabid looks. Worse, all of them is eyeing our direction like wild dogs to a piece of meat.

"Tay, get in the car." He says and I do so. I open the door but someone shuts it tight and smiles at me the sinister way.

"That's not gonna happen, sweetheart." The boy says. He's got a scar on his lower cheek and a sharp look on his face, making him look like one of those villains in the movies. He's wearing a dark beanie with a thick layer of clothes.

I feel Jensen's arm around me, his grip tense and his breathing rapid. He pulls me to his side while glaring at that boy. I look behind us and there are a couple blocking the road too.

"Hey, back off!" Jensen barks and pushes the guy away. Gladly, he walks away without doing anything but if one man can just walk away with a sick smile plastered on his face, this night won't end up well for me or Jensen.

I try to stay calm as possible but my thoughts never help. I'm so close to getting hysterical, because I'm barely keeping myself together.

"If it ain't Herralds and his girl, damn odds. Road block?" One says, the one in front. By the looks of it, he's the leader of them all, judging by the way they watch his every move as if just waiting for a signal. He's got a thin layer of hair, clear at the sides with a few tattoos on his arm. The vest of his reveals how his arm muscles stretch every time he moves and there's a wilder, more vicious look on his face.

Only when he said it have I realized that this is planned. And I'm in the situation.

I look at Jensen, trying to see past through his tough facade, he's scared. . . he's almost as terrified as I am yet he doesn't show it. He wouldn't show it, not in front of these people.

His grip on my hand grows tighter, and I kind of needed that to keep myself on alert. I'm scared, I'm too scared but I need to act. I need my focus now more than ever.

"What the heck do you want, man?" Jensen asks though I have a feeling it's rhetorical. . . and it's more like he's stalling. He knows pretty well that we have no escape from this, might as well.

"Don't play coy, Herralds." Says the leader. "So nice of you to bring your girlfriend, what's your name, babe?" He says with a creepy smile.

"F*ck you." Jensen mutters. "Lay a hand on her and you're dead." He says in an overprotective manner.

"Oh, is it Taylor Swift? Nice to meet you." He says, completely ignoring Jensen's warning.

How does he know my name?

I so badly want to get out of there. I start wishing that this is just a nightmare. This cannot be happening.

"Of course we know who your girlfriend is, Herralds."

I didn't want to hear that. My knees are starting to fail me because of the shakiness. Little by little, I start having trouble breathing.

"Tay, get in the car." He says quietly. "Just get out of here, I won't care if you run them over, just get out of here." He whispers.

Things I Lost (2016)Where stories live. Discover now