Of course I wouldn't kiss Harry, that shouldn't happen so I shouldn't let it. He doesn't feel bad about it anyways and he understands. . . I think? I don't know, he seems entertained.

The worst thing I have to think of right now is he might have been playing with me but I don't know. It just seems so unlike him.

And then there's Leo's call. Jensen might be in trouble, if not, then he will be because the way Leo reacted almost plains it out.

Going there is an instant decision, I didn't have to hesitate. Jensen doesn't want me to get in trouble, I get that. He doesn't want me to involved in that kind of life. But whatever because I'm already there. He cannot stop me from that. He might get mad, he might, and that's a possibility. . . I just hope he doesn't.

I call him again, making sure that for whatever reason he wants me to be there, I really, surely have to be there.


"Explain for a moment." I demand sternly. If he's joking around, I swear he's never going to see daylight. Leo is already dead to me but if this is a joke, I'll burn his corpse.

"I don't have a moment." Leo says, his voice seems to be in a hurry and seems to be running out of breath. I hear a few distant voices calling out for Leo yet I can't make up of it. The scenario inside my head just keep getting worse.

"Fine, but then again, I'm your skeptical step-sister so whatever it is--"

I hear him swear under his breath. "I told you, we cannot calm him down. He wants to get back at those f*cking jerks. They started the fight out of nothing! What do you think Jensen would do? Take that lying down?!" He yells seriously and a bit too much panicked. It only tells me how bad the situation is.

Not. He definitely won't ignore that. Who would? Someone punches you for no reason and you're just supposed to shrug it off? That's not how it works.

I blink a few times, my foot pushing to accelerate the car even faster. "Okay, can I talk to him?"

"About that." The background noises from the other line starts getting a bit unsettling. All I hear are groans, crashing sounds, struggling sounds and muffled yells. I start feeling my head ache because of the images in my head. They are in fact, enough to nauseate me.

I scoff, "Where is he?"

"Right here, kicking the crap out of that college guy." Leo says it like Jensen has done that a million times.

"Leo hurry--" there was this familiar voice from one of their friends and it's one of the clearest background statements I've heard so far.

"Are you kidding me? Stop him!" I yell. Everything is swirling inside my head, the thoughts, the memories, the feelings, just everything mixing up making recipes for disaster.

I know, it's in guys' nature to fight because that had been one of their instincts, and I accept that. What I cannot accept is someone beating the hell out of another person when it's not fair match. With Jensen, it cannot be a fair match. He's been at it since he was a kid, practically raised in too much violence. . .

"Look, that's why we're calling you. We can't!"

"How many are you guys? Your group is like six! For the love of God, how do you expect me to do something?" I raise my voice, already panicking.

The thought of Jensen doing something like that disturbs me too much even though I know he is used to it. As he says, that's his life, that's the part I shouldn't be involved in but come on! He cannot expect me to sit things out!

"Actually, we're seven. Whatever sis, just get over here ASAP. We'll hold him off."

"He'll kill you once I get there." I mutter.

Things I Lost (2016)Where stories live. Discover now