Trouble at the dam

Start from the beginning

Jack took out his staff and flew down towards the others

Before Flynn could climb across the rope, one of the guard's threw their sword's at the rope, cutting it, and trapping Flynn

"You have got to be kidding me!" Flynn exclaimed

The guards drew there sword's

"I've waited a long time for this" the leader said

Flynn, not knowing what else to do, raised Rapunzel's frying pan, and started fighting them

He knocked out each one

"Wow, mama! I have got to get me one of these!" he exclaimed

A sword was pointed at him, and he got into battle stance, before looking confused

The screen changed to see the night fury, with one of the knocked out guards sword's in it's mouth

They started fighting, sword vs pan

"You should know, this is the strangest thing I have ever-" Flynn was cut off when the pan flew out of his hand and into the canyon

Rapunzel face palmed and Flynn turned bright red

"How about 2 out of 3?" Flynn said

The Night Fury pointed the sword at Flynn, who raised his hand's in surrender

"Flynn!" Rapunzel gasped, she rapped her hair round a rock sticking out the cliff she was on and rapped the other end around his hand and pulled him off the side of the cliff

Flynn saluted the dragon, before falling off the cliff, leaving the stunned dragon, as he dropped the sword in shock

Some of the littler kid's giggled

The screen changed to Rapunzel, on top the cliff, the others behind her

"Flynn look out!" she called

It than changed to Flynn dangling from the end of her hair as he swung over to the twin's

Rapunzel pulled up and Flynn went higher, avoiding the sharp sword's in the twin's hand's

The twin's pouted

It than changed to Flynn

"Ha! You should see your faces, because you look-" he was cut off, when he hit a plank

"Ridiculous" he chocked out

The hall (But Flynn, who only turned red) burst out into fit's of laughter, and Pitch gave a small chuckle

The screen changed to Rapunzel and the others, who winced as he hit the plank

There was a sudden bang, and they turned to the other cliff, only to see the Night Fury knocking down a wooden plank, so it could cross

Elenora brow knotted in confusion

1. Why is she after Flynn? and

2. Why doesn't she just fly over? unless...

The others where thinking the same thing

It knocked it down, bursting the dam in the process

The plank hit the ground and the Night Fury started accrose it

"Come on, guy's!" Flynn called out

They turned to see him on the spout, holding the other end of Rapunzel's hair

"Jump!" he said

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