School? No thanks

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I haven't been at school for three years, not even home schooling. I don't see the point in it, and I'm fifteen and sure I could get a job at the local shop if I wanted to. Thing is, my grandad needs care at the moment and I have a whole family I'm always running around for. I don't have time for school when there's so much happening all the time.

"Chelsea" grandad shouted.
"Yep" I shouted back putting in my earrings.
"Sam and Nick are coming round later"
"I thought they were staying with Maggie for a few weeks?"
"Yeah they're just coming to visit love."
"Oh alright, do I need to get any shopping done for tea?"
"Yeah if that's alright. Go down the road ask Jerry to drive you and there's £100 on the table in the brown envelope."
"Alright, goodbye then" I said kissing my grandad on the head.

Sam and Nick are my half brothers, they're fifteen aswell and they used to live with us but they went to live with my half sister Maggie who's nineteen and got a flat. Jerry is one of my grandads mates I see him around the village often. Decent bloke.

I knocked on Jerries door and he opened it smoking like a chimney.
"Alright there Chels?" He asked smiling with his crooked teeth.
"Yeah not too bad" I said hugging him.
"Does Dave need anything?"
"Yeah we need groceries and he gave me a bit of cash, wondering if you could take me up to Sainsbury's or something?"
"Yeah I need to go into town aswell, so come in and sit down I'll go get dressed and there's a shandy on the table"

I got into his house and it was a bit messy, but it always was. I got the shandy off the table, more bitter than usual. He was ready soon and we drove up to town. In the car I had BBC Radio One on and was singing along to the new songs.

We got into town and he went off to Sainsbury's but I went to the pound shop. I got a few cans of beans and sausages they sell in Poundland. I bumped into my old Primary school teacher Mrs Bell.

"Chelsea? Is that you!"
"Yeah" I smiled.
"Why aren't you at school?"
"Oh, I'm just off for one day."
"Okay, that's good then."

I had to lie to her as if she knew I wasn't at school, she could report my grandad to the authorities or whatever. After the pound shop I went down to Peacocks to look at a few clothes and found a top I liked, so I bought that for a tenner. Then I got all my Sainsbury's shopping done and Jerry drove me back to the bungalow.

I came in and saw Sam and Nick already here and we did a big hello, gave a few hugs and kissed and the like. My kitchen has a window and arch to the living room so I was talking to them while unpacking the shopping.

"How've you been then?" I asked Nick.
"Oh alright, tell you what we made fifty quid the other day!"
"No way how?" I asked shocked.
"There was this guy in the men's stalls who shat himself, and he said take this cash and get me another pair of trousers." Sam said
"And we took the money and left!" Nick laughed.
"Boys you shouldn't be stealing. What did you spend the money on?"
"We split it together and bought some new Reebok clothes."

I finished putting the food away and asked if they wanted a cupper, they said yes and I got them both one. I sat down at the same time and we got chatting.

"God, Linda's still with that Rob bloke."
"She hasn't got rid of him yet? He's proper mad." Sam said
"I'll smash his head in if he comes near me." Nick said.
"That won't help, he's just a dick. Thought about reporting him to the police but I can't."
"Why not?" Sam asked
"Because most of the times I've seen Linda and Rob it's been during the time I'm meant to be at school, I'm not having Grandad go to jail."
"Very true, all we can do is try and persuade her now." Nick said.

We played Monopoly with grandad and had a few laughs and way too many drinks. It was a good night though, always was when I saw my brothers.

I got the dinner on. I has making bangers and mash, and then I did some peas and put them on the side. Everyone enjoyed their tea it was lovely. Sam and Nick stayed for most of the night and then got a taxi back home.

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