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I was amazed to see that the tables were set up because usually if was the one that cooked Trevor had to set the table and after we were done hehad to do the dishes to .

-Hey dinner is ready take a seat. Trevor said with a nervous smile ,

I took a seat Trevor took the lasagna out and puted it on the table then took a seat .

Usually conversations just flow but this time it didn't so I had to say something .

-Dude if you got something to tell me you should, cause your kind of freaking me out .

Then I took I bit of my lasagna and that is when I went to heaven for like thirty seconds.

-Dude this is so good!
-yea you think so ?
- I think so !! I know so .
-so I was thinking of joining colinary school .
He says with a low voice
-yea I know that
- And I got a full scholarship to this great place.
-what oh my god dude that is so amazing I can't believe it! that is just so amazing why were you even nervous to tell me you know I seporte every choise you make .
-Yea I know it's just that it's, all the way in California .
- Soo when is it starting !
-well at the end of this year .
-oh that is good I guess . And I want you to know that you shouldn't have been nervous to tell me it's ok I can move in with uncle Kartz.
- Yea but I was hoping you could come with me .
-Trev I think I have to think about it .
-Yea sure take your time you still have two semesters .
Then I finished my lasagna and offered to help Trevor with the washing up but he didn't want to so I went upstairs and tried to sleep but I couldn't, so much stuff happened in a day couldn't handle it all I guess

But I finally ended up sleeping at about 11 PM.


The next morning I woke up very early to make breakfast .

I wanted to make something fancy but there wasn't a lot in the house so I ended up making pancakes then went upstairs to wake Trevor up and to take a shower, I hated smiling like food .

After my shower I got dressed and went down stairs to eat. My brother eating the his breakfast and watching TV .

When he saw me he rolled his eyes for no apparent reason

-what was that for ? I asked with a harsh tone.

-do you have eny other shoes ? You have been wearing those for like 2 mounth and that is so gross !

- I get it washed every weak so it's not gross . I say aproching my pancakes

-when was the last time you went shopping ? Trevor asks me with his mouth full of pancakes and milk

-don't talk with your mouth full .

- don't change the subject .

I was so annoyed with his stuck up attitude I decided to just go to school .

Where are you going ? Trevor asks

-where do you think I'm going you dumb fuck ! I said with a loud and harsh .

-no cussing in the house, He sais with a sarcastic voice .

- Bye . I said banging the door behind me

School was super boring the whole day . First period I had English then I had Maths third period was History then I had orchestra which was the only class I actually liked cause I had a voice somehow .

And I totally forgot to mention that play guitar . I started playing when I was 7 but I stopped for a while then when I was 10 uncle Kartz forced me to go . He had assigned me a driver to pick me up after school every Monday, Wednesday and Thursdays to take me to my classes he would wait for me till I was done then he would drive me back home .

But after 3 or 4 years the teacher got frustrated of me not talking to her and just stopped giving me classes .

Uncle Kartz liked it when I played the guitar .

I never really admitted it but I loved it to. It was like I could give life to everything and not kill it, it was really awesome .

I was in the cafeteria which was one of the worst places in the hole school it was big and all but there were to many eyes on you and I didn't like that .

I forgot my wallet in my room and I was starving so I started looking for Steph to ask her if she could lend me some money but I just remembered that she had a make up maths test and just wished I wasn't really going through this .

After some time of thinking I knew that the only choice I had was to ask Trevor for the money .

Trevor was sitting on a table full of people and I just wondered how all those people could be seating on that particular table when there are so many free ones, It was just stupid .

I walked to the table and asked him for the money trying not to to look at his friends .

-what did you do to your money ? Trevor asks me

-forgot my wallet at home . I said

-wait are you Trevor's sister?one of the girls siting next to one of Trevor's freind asks me with a discussed face I tried not to get mad cause I have anger management issues . I ignore her and wait for Trevor to give me his money .

After a few minutes Trevor finally got the money and gave it to me , it was a 20 dollar bill .

-thanks Trev I said with such discretion I don't even think he heard me .

I get my lunch and go to the other side of the cafeteria to find an empty table .

Once I spotted a good table I take a seat and start eating my lunch when I see the kid from yesterday .

He took a seat alone and started eating some weird food .

The food was green and had a little yellow dots in it .

I was starring real hard and before I knew it he caught me while I was starring, he and I looked back at our food so quick you would think we saw a monster .

Lunch was done before I knew it and I had woodshop class I really hated woodshop you don't do eny thing useful .

But thank God that hour went super fast then I could finally go home since I didn't have eny other classes after this .

I almost arrived to the car when I saw the same kid struggling to get in his car and of course I had to help nobody seems to even notice him. It's weird not to notice him he just has that thing you know ...

I was almost there when he noticed me and you could see the relief on his face .

I helped him in his car and went back to my car without saying one word and he didn't say eny thing either .

When I got home I ordered pizza and waited for Trevor to come .

Trevor called me at 8 to tell me he wouldn't come home because there was a party . He also asked me to come but I didn't want to go so I stayed home eating my pizza alone and I was thinking what type of dumb ass would trow a party on a Thursday and how many dumb asses would show up to the party it was really stupid if you asked my opinion .

I already done all my home works for the week so I just started watching some movies on Netflix before I fell asleep on the couch.

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