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Every one keep saying that I'm not being myself,
And I wonder.

Who am I?
What am I?
Who know me better?
Is it anyone else or myself?

Everything within your reach is you,
Everything happened in your past is you,
Everything just happened a second ago was you,
Every choices you make was and will be you,
Everyone near you is you,
And so on.

Not everyone gonna understand this.
But little do you know,
Everything in a small damn thing even though it is a small it is you.

Only you know yourself,
Others might thought that they know you,
But actually in every second we are changing.
They understand you but don't know you.
You're who you're now.
You change yourself.
And no one can say anything about you because every seconds you will change.

Do live your life.
Don't hear what people gonna say about you.
Only you know what you want
Only you know who you are
And be proud with it.

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