Part 4

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"Damn,that was the guy from the store room,"
"GO AWAY!" Hoseok screamed in fear while Melissa just stared at him.

"You know him?" Namjoon asked her and she looked at him.She nodded her head and asked the driver to drove away.
"How?" Taehyung asked shortly.

That guy keep smirking,surprisingly all of the zombies stopped attacking them after he arrived.He swinged his bat and poked the bat into the engine and the car was dead.

"No..." Jungkook whispered,he really wished he could ran away from this place but he insisted to stay with his members as he don't know what to do without them.

"What do you want?!" Melissa screamed and the guy called her to come out of the car.Jimin quickly holds her hand and keep shaking his head.

"...or one of you will die," That guy gives her a warning and he still smirking while holding his bat.She was shocked that he could talk and pulled her hands off from Jimin.

"Are you crazy?!He's going to kill you with the zombies over there!Don't go please!" That guy knocked the window lightly with his bat and still asking Melissa to come out of the car.

"I have no choice,sorry," She patted his shoulders and open the door slowly.That guy smirked and told her to hold his bat because his hand was dirty and pulled her in front of their car.

"Seems like you saw me before,how did you found me there? I never expect the sound is so loud until you can heard it,"

He runs his finger towards her jawline and cupped her cheeks harshly.

"Go get your friends to get out of the car and follow me," He let go of her cheeks and pushed her to their car.

"Why do we need to follow you anyway? Aren't you a zombie? Don't zombies harm people?" She doesn't know where she got the courage to facing that guy,to her,he's the one who started this.

He laughed so hard,more like a joker's laugh then he continued to stared at her.

"Because I'm the only normal zombie here,young lady," He swinged his bat over his shoulders and told her to get them out of the car.

"Even you said yourself is normal,you're just the same like the other zombies as well,"

"That's what you said,young lady because I know myself," He whistled and smirked at her.

As they stepped out of the car,the zombies behind them started to going mad.All of them started to hug each other and quickly ran to the front car.

"Awww how cute,BOYS CALM DOWN,THEY'RE MINE!" After he said that,the zombies left them and that guy started to whistled around and looked at their faces one by one.

"I didn't tell you guys my name right? Well,my name is Kim Sejun,just call me Sejun," He winked at Melissa and stepped forward.

"Ew," She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.Sejun pulled her hands so she was really close with him.She looked away because of his foul smell,he smiled at her reaction.

"Let's go to my place," Melissa pulled her arms away from him and stood closer to Seokjin.He also pulled her closer to get her away from Sejun.

Sejun's place is hidden from the city and they already walked too far from the Seoul University.

"Urmm,where are we going? Its getting dark here," The sky turned dark after their long walk and they felt uneasy when they followed him since evening.

Sejun stopped and swinged his bat over his shoulders and looked at them,

"We're here," He smirked and walked forward.He knocked the door harshly,
"Open the door!"

A teenage boy opened the door and smacked Sejun on his head,
"Can you shut up?! Dad is in the lab,you idiot! You know he doesn't-"

Sejun cutted his brothers word and continue to focused at his guests,

"This place is well hidden from the zombies out there and this is my family house,welcome in" Sejun widened his arms to welcome everyone.

"By the way,he's my brother,Kim Yijeong," He introduced his brother to them,Yijeong rolled his eyes and quickly ran inside their house.Melissa was curious,

She run to Sejun and pulled his arm,
"I saw you attacked the people at the stadium earlier and why're you look completely normal in front of us?Why're your family members didn't turn into zombies like you? Most importantly,why did you save us?"

Sejun slowly let himself go from her and take a deep breath,

"Firstly,I've said before that I am the only normal zombies here and you'll know it sooner or later.Second,my family is a scientist and they use me as their experiment-,"

"WHAT?!" Melissa screamed and Sejun closed her mouth to calm her down.

"Ew did you forgot that your hands is full of blood?!"

Sejun apologized while moved his hands away,
"Its okay,I'm completely fine.Let me continue,third,I was entertained by how that guy screamed and it makes me felt pity over him,that's why I asked you guys to follow me,"He pointed at Seokjin and laughed.She smiled because Seokjin is the loudest when they try to ran away from the zombies.

"Sejun,are you sure this place is safe?" Ask Namjoon while pulling all his members close to him,Sejun shooked his head.

"Yes and you're welcomed to look around in my house except the lab and the basement," Sejun warned them and Melissa quickly ran beside Taehyung,walked closely beside them.

She took a last look at Sejun and he smirked at her.She felt that Sejun is creepy because of his smirk and she quickly catch up with their pace.

"This house is kinda interesting," Hoseok looked around and took a glance at Sejun's family photo.He felt amazed by how cool Sejun's parents is.

"This is must be Yijeong and Sejun,there's another boy too," Jungkook pointed at one boy at the corner smiled widely in a maroon suit.

All of them looked for room to sleep tonight and Melissa felt nervous because she is the only girl.

"what if they left me alone in an unknown room? I'm afraid if Sejun attacked me,"

"Hey Melissa,wanna share room with us or you want to be alone?" Yoongi teased her because he know she was scared to be left alone right now.

"Yah! Who are you sharing the room with?" She asked him and looked inside,there's Jimin inside taking off his cap and accessories.

"Wanna be with him? I can go to Namjoon's room," Melissa rolled her eyes and pinched Yoongi's arms lightly.

"I'll be fine,oppa,"

"Do you have any problem,kids?" A voice of a women asked,Melissa touched her neck as it feels like the voice were near her.

She turned around and there's no sight of a woman anywhere and she suddenly have goosebumps.

I'm trying my best to update more ^^

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