First crush?

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Chapter 1


We all think of it as the most exciting stage of life which we ever go through. Trust me,the experience of it,is somewhat different. We don't seem to realise it's importance and what it does to us.

I'm Niharika Oberoi. Being 15 years old,I'm in my teenage and this is the story of my life-my teen life,which unlike all teen movies,is not as perfect and has lots of ups and downs. But then,that's life,isn't it?

1st November 2012.

Before this day,my life had been pretty normal and quite uneventful. But I was fine with that. I didn't expect too much from it and it never gave me much either.

I walked into the classroom,not feeling too excited. I was just about to keep my bag when I heard someone shout.

"Where the hell do you think you're keeping your bag? Can't you see I'm already sitting there?"

Of course. It HAD to be her. The one and only,Vanya Singh. The bitch of all times.

Back in 4th grade,we used to be best friends. Like the inseparable kinds. But then we had this terrible fight in 7th. She thought I was cheating on her with Akaash,her boyfriend. Okay,me and Akaash were really close and stuff but I NEVER cheated on her. But this was too deep for her to understand.

"A boy and a girl can never be only friends. "

That's what she said when I tried to explain myself to her. So damn old fashioned. Fine then,idgaf about her either.

Coming back to the present,it's been 3 years and we still,are enemies. We simply HATE each other.

"I'm sorry but your bag is too huge to be visible." I said.

"Who wants to talk to losers early in the morning?" She made a face,picked up her bag,and moved to the next bench.

"Woahh,that was good!"

It was Sanjana,my best friend.

Sanjana Singhania. She used to be best friends with Vanya too. Used to be.

"Heyy Sanjana! Haha yeah.. I didn't wanna talk to her on the first day after the holidays though!"

"How does it even matter? She's just a nobody."

"What the f-" Ria banged the door open and rushed towards us. Ria Roy. The last member of our BFF's gang.

"Not early in the morning Ria!" Me and Sanjana said it together,looked at each other and started laughing.

"Yeah whatever,it's damn cold okay? And I've got some gossip for you guyss!"

As we moved closer to her,Neha ma'am,my class teacher entered the class.

She glanced at Ria and pointed her finger towards the door. Unfortunately,Ria is not in our section. So,Ria quietly walked out,shivering.

Ma'am addressed us and then the usual prayer.

After the first period ended,me and Sanjana went to meet Ria.

"Okay now listen.." She said. She sounded pretty excited and this added to my curiosity. "... There's this new guy who's joined this year. And he's SO cute OMG! I think he's in your section! Yippee!"

"Really? What's his name?" Asked Sanjana,almost jumping on Ria.

"I think his name is Tarun." She answered.

We saw our teacher coming. So we group hugged and left for our classes.

When we entered the class,we saw Tarun. He wasn't exactly the tall,dark and handsome type. But he certainly did have some charm which made me stare at him.

Sanjana poked me and that's when I realised it had been 10 minutes and I was still staring at him. I shook my head and regained my senses.

This had never happened with me. I had many guy friends.. Some really close as well. But when I saw Tarun,it was as if he was someone I had been waiting for all along. Someone who would appreciate me... Care for me... Someone who would love me.

I felt complete when I saw him. I felt alive when I saw him. I felt... me when I saw him.

Tarun was my first crush.

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