hanging out with Jake

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l woke up at five again....urgh sleep why do you hate me so much?! Oh well atleast it gives me time to get ready and pick out everything just right.Ok I got it planned i'ma take a shower then, I'll pick out my outfit, and then I'll work on the little make-up I wear.I so love that shampoo, head and shoulders, scent of apples,it makes my hair smell so good.Hmmm now what to wear......Oh I can wear a tan tank top with a peach cardigan and dark blue skinny jeans with black flats.Now time for make-up.I decided to go with some eyeliner and some light pink lip gloss. It's now six so I just fliped the t.v. on I saw that Sam and Cat are on....I know I watch kiddy stuff but I don't care it makes me laugh.

Jake's pov

"Damn it's already almost seven..so much for waking up early."I grumbled when I woke up I don't like to sleep all morning it just makes me even more tired.So I finally got up and out of bed I took a really fast shower then I just but on a white button down polo and cuffed the shirt to my elbows and threw on a pair of black skinny jeans. I don't know why I just always liked to dress like this.I walked down stairs and picked up an apple, it was the apple or a bananas.Bananas are ok but the leave uou with bad breath.I walked out of the house and and started down the road I decided on walking instead of taking the bus.My school isn't that far from where I live, I have my own car but I don't like to waste my gas on some place I can walk to.


Jenny's pov

All day at school all I could think about was today I saw Jake a few times we talked for a bit.It's finally last period and we only have five more minutes till we get out.I can't even focus on the teacher I'm so nervous, I've been all day I dont even know what we went over in almost all my classes.I know it's not even a date but, I'm still nervous, like alot.


Jakes pov

"Hey Jake!" Jenny greeted me as she came up I smiled and said "hi" back

"Hey would you like to go to the carnival today it just opened up I really want to go and it'd be cool if you can come with?" I asked I really hope she will say yes.I mean I know going to a carnival might seem a little to romantic for our situation, but I really like her and want to spend some time with her.But this time I wanted it to be just right.

"Yeah that would be great!" Jenny answered in a happy tone to witch I got excited but didn't let her see.

"Ok come on my car is right over here"


Jenny's pov

It was abiut fifteen minutes later and we finally arrived to the carnival. It looked amazing just from the car. We both got out of the car and walked over to the carnival. He payed for our tickets and we were in.  Yay this is going to be so much fun I've always wanted to come here!

"So..which ride to you want to go on first?" He asked me.

"Hmmm I don't know which one do you want to ride?" I asked back not knowing what ride to ride.

"Um I dont know it's why I asked you" He repied in a bit of a happy mood.

"Hmm I got it how about we walk to the end of the carnival and start back there riding all the rides untill we get back here to the front?" I asked but it sounded more like I stated it.


Jake's pov

We're finally done riding all the rides we're a little wet though because there was a special little section to where it was all little games like the water game toss, water gun battle, the egg carrying game with the spoon and a bunch of other little games. After that she started to shiver a little so I pulled her into my side and held onto her shoulder further from me. And surprisingly all she did was smile at me and move closer into me. I was expecting her to move out of my hold, but when she didnt I couldn't help but smile. We finally found the Ferris Wheel

we got on it stoped when we were on top we were on top for at least three minutes. It truely was amazing. She was excited by the view. Atleast now I know she will like whats next. It'll be sunset in a few minutes so we'll be just in time.I walked her to the car and opened the door for her.

"Thanks for tonight Jake I enjoyed myself today!"She said with joy and honesty.

"Your welecome, but we're not just done yet" I said to her.

"What do you mean not over what else are we going to do?" She asked with puzzledment laced in her voice. Even her face showed she was confused and to be honest it was absolutely adorable.

"You'll see don't worry" I said back to her with a wink.I don't really know why I winked I just did.She agreed but she had a small tint of pink in her cheeks.


Jenny's pov

We stoped at a little hill like place, we got out of the car at the same time.He went to the back of the car and in the trunk.When he came back he had a little blanket and a basket.He motioned for me to sit down after he spreaded the blanket out on the floor.

"So how does the view look?" he asked while taking the food out.

"It's nice" I answered honestly. It really was you can the sun set. It was beatiful, and you can see all of the city lights turning on.

"Ya I thought it would be nice to have a little pik-nit after the carnival while watching the sun set.He said as he put the basket aside.Their were four sandwiches, two bags of chips, two little bags of grapes, and two waters. It not much but it's still nice, and I like it up here.

"So how do you like high school so far?"He asked before taking a bit of his sandwich.

"It's ok, I mean like it's not the bdst thing there is but not the worst"

"Ya I know I wish school was over already"Jake replied.

"Ya so what's your favorite class and teacher?"I asked him trying to start a conversation with him.

"Um lets see....oh I like my guitar class its pretty cool, and my favorite teacher would have to be Mr.Sanders hes a cool teacher.What about you?

"Hmm..I like my craft class.It's really fun and we make stuff.As for my favorite teacher is Mrs.Johnson she is an amazing teacher I love her soo much!"He just chuckled a little at my response and we sat there in a comfortable silence just looking at sun as it fades away.

"Hey look there's the first star, make a wish!"Jake said breaking the silence and making me giggle a little at how happy he was about the first star.

"Ok I made my wish, did you make your wish to?"

"Yes I did and I hope it comes true."

We sat there a little longer untill it hit midnight and he took me home I snuck into my bedroom window and waved bye to him.I know I'm going to be in a lot pf trouble tomorrow but, it was totally worth it.I texted Jake saying "Goodnight and thank you for a wonderful day! :)" and went to sleep.

Here it is the chapter you were all waiting for I am so so so sooo sorry it took forever I'm going to try and get the next chapter up by friday anyways love you guys and thatnk you for reading my book dont forget to comment and vote!:-) yay thank you!

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