Thank You

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I just wanna take a timeout and talk to all of my haters and say thank you. Thank you, because I now realize that you're just encouragers in disguise that cause me to strive to be better. Granted we might not see eye to eye, but when I feel alone, you're by my side just pushing. See you don't really get a lot of credit for what you do, and most of the time when I feel beat down, I'm quick to blame you. I'm just telling the truth. See, I had to read between the lines, and realized, that those lies, was just a disguise to make me check myself...I was walking a dark road, and just let my story unfold because at that time I didn't feel bold enough to make a difference, I was indifferent. Now I stand here ready for a change. I proclaim right now that things won't be the same anymore. These dry lands are ready to receive the rain from the storm. And from it sprouts a new life, even amidst all this turmoil and strife. At first I didn't know that you were angels in disguise, sent down as a blessing from on High, to help me open my eyes to help me see I was headed down a path of corruption. So again, I say thank you. You push me to be a better me, that only I can be.

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