Chapter 2

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My feet echoed throughout the tunnel along with the sound of my breathing and the sound of dripping water. I wiped my hands on my sweatpants nervously, keeping a hand on the wall of the cave. It was my only support and my only security, and so I continued to cling to it, not letting it out of my grip.

I must have walked for hours when I saw a light at the end of the tunnel. It took my all not to just collapse there and rest for a few moments, but I kept driving on. I wanted to see what was at the end of the tunnel, what was making that light. I was inching closer and closer to the light with each step I took, each breath I took, each thought I thought.

To make the time go by quicker, I decided to think for a bit. First, I thought about myself. I loved music. Music was my passion in life, and you could say that that was all I lived for. I didn't have any parents, and after I wasn't adopted, I just got a place of my own. All I had was a keyboard, a guitar, a bass, a violin, and my albums and records. That also reminded me that I didn't bring my cellphone or iPod. I fished around in my pocket. I had my contacts, some chewing gum, and a paperclip. I scowled, cursing myself for not bringing my cellphone in case I had gotten lost or hurt on the way.

The light was changing now. It revealed a beautiful forest with a brown, dirt path cutting in the middle. The path was narrow and swerved in the distance until it came to a pretty town. The town was sort of small, but it was bigger than the narrow cave that I was in. That was all I needed to walk out of the cave and out into the light.

“Ringo, you get yourself back 'ere this instant!” Someone was shouting. A boy, who I presumed to be 'Ringo', spotted me. He grinned and stood in front of me, extending his hand. “'Ello there love. My name's Ringo, Ringo Starr.”

“Ringo!” Someone shouted, followed by two boys laughing. Another boy came into view, his eyebrows screwed downward. “Give me it back!”

“I'm terribly sorry ol' Georgie. What was it that you wanted?” Asked Ringo, a grin on his face that told me that he knew exactly what 'Georgie' wanted. “Paul, John? 'Ave you guys got any idea of what George could possibly mean?”

I contained a gasp. They were the Beatles! But that wasn't possible. They were young, John and George were alive.. Unless that dumb cave really did something. I'd always read about someone traveling back in time, and I've always wanted it to happen to me, but the reality was that it was really scary.

“So love, who are you, where are you headed, and where are you from?” Ringo asked in a heavy British accent.

“I'm.. Lucy." I decided on calling myself that instead of Lucille. "And I came from..” I looked behind me, about to point to the cave, but it was gone. That jolted me and made a wave of despair slide over me. I wouldn't be able to get home. “I came from that there city.” I switched my gaze to the small town ahead. “And I was just taking a walk.”

“I knew it! I knew you had to be Russian!” Exclaimed John, pointing to me. “Look at you! Your whole face just screams blood Russian.”

“Maybe if 'ya fixed yourself up a little bit..” Mused George, completely forgetting about what Ringo had.

“Looks aren't exactly first on my agenda.” I said, my cheeks heating up.

“Well then love, what's first on your agenda?” Asked Paul, slinging an arm across my shoulders. Each of the boys inched closer, apparently wanting to hear what I had to say.

“Music.” I answered, shrugging Paul's arm off of me. “Music is first on my agenda.”

“Wanna do a show with us?” Asked John, looking excited.

“Don't you want to know if I'm any good before asking me to do a show with you?” I asked, and then I decided to play dumb. “and who exactly are you four, anyway?”

“My name's John. John Lennon.” John introduced himself, stepping in front of me.

Paul elbowed him out of the way, taking my hand and pressing a kiss to it. “And I'm Paul McCartney. Pleasure to meet you, miss.”

“I'm George Harrison, and you've already met our buddy Ringo.” George said, slinging an arm around Ringo's neck.

“And we're The Beatles.” Said Paul proudly, loosening the tie around his neck. “I can't believe you 'aven't heard of us yet, love. Ah well. Say, how's about you come back with us and we fix you up to look like a Beatle?”

Me? Looking like a Beatle? I grinned. “Alright, fine. Have fun with that.”

Paul hooked his arm through mine and sent me a grin. “Trust me, we will.” John hooked his arm through my available arm and all five of us started walking towards the town. Russia.. I had actually ended up in Russia. Good thing I spoke Russian.

The boys led me to a hotel, and into a rather large hotel room. They pushed me towards a man who surveyed me with a raised brow. “Make her the bloody hot female version of us.” John said, slinging an arm around my shoulders. I shrugged his arm off. “Please.” He added.

“Come with me.” The man said, walking into the bathroom. I followed him and the boys stayed in the room with the bed.

Daniel (I had read his name tag) ordered me to sit in a chair and lean my head back. He washed my hair and scalp with shampoo and conditioner and once he rinsed it out, he made me sit up in front of a mirror. He put a towel on me and pulled my hair up, putting it over the towel. I watched, eyes wide, as he snipped off my long hair into a shorter hairstyle. He then moved in front of me and started applying make up, making me sneeze or scrunch up my face as he applied the various products. He tousled my hair and put some type of clay into it, and then gave me an outfit to change into. He turned as I changed, and when I told him that I was done, he turned again and surveyed me. He messed with my hair, fixed my tie, and helped me into the heels. Then he led me out back into the room where George and Ringo were wrestling on the bed, and Paul and John were comparing paintings from the wall, deciding who's was better.

Ringo was the first one to notice me. He sat up right away and grinned. “Bloody hell! You look like a whole different person!”

The three other boys slowly turned to look at me, each gaining a goofy grin on their faces. I was sure I was as red as a tomato.

“Well c'mon, we'll be late!” Ringo said, getting up off of the bed. He snaked an arm around my waist and sent me a grin, leading me out of the hotel, the other boys scrambling off of the bed to follow us.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2012 ⏰

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