26. Elena's confession

Start from the beginning

"Sorry I.. I.." Elena was really nervous about something I just couldn't put my finger on what it could be, I don't think my half naked body would make her this nervous, but then again, I couldn't blame her if that was it.

"Damon I.. I really need to talk to you.." Her voice were shaking and I felt like comforting her.

"Okay. What about?" I asked in a soft voice.

"Us" what did she say? Us! That doesn't make any sense, she choose Stefan therefore their are no us... Since I didn't answer her she just carried on.

"I know I told you that it would always be Stefan.. But.. But what if I was wrong? I have been so blind Damon.. I didn't let myself see the feelings I had for you, I pretended that they weren't there, but they are Damon" I couldn't believe any of this happening right now and with Alison just in the other room. Oh my god Alison! I can't believe I didn't even think about her.

"Damon I love you" Elena finished and looked at me, I could see the love in her eyes, the love I had wanted to see for so long, but never did.. But I'm with Alison now. It's to late... isn't it..?

Elena walked closer to me and I could hear her heartbeat going faster, it was the only sound in the room and it consumed me. She put her hand on my cheek and I could feel her warmth, before I even had a chance to really think about it I pulled her close to me and kissed her. It was a soft slow kiss, it was a kiss of love. The only problem was that the love was coming from Elena not from me.. Elena is not who I love.. I did once but not anymore. It's Alison I love with all of my heart now. The second Alison's name popped up in my mind I broke of the kiss. But is was to late..

Alison was starring at Elena and I with her mouth slightly opened in shock.


Alison was wrapped in a towel and she was starring at me and Elena. I took a step back and put some distance between us but I knew it didn't matter, Alison had already seen more than enough. It was all there in her eyes.. The pain...

"Ali.. Please I'm so sorry..." I begged my voice barely came out as a whisper. She stormed out of my room and a few seconds later I heard her own bedroom door slam shut.


Elena looked up at me and I knew for sure that I didn't love her anymore, if only I had found out about that before we kissed. I'm such an idiot!

"You should go" I stated coldly. I wasn't really mad at Elena this was my fault, but right now it was just easier to pretend like it was all her fault. She looked at me chocked, she obviously didn't expect me to say that.

"What..? Is this because of her? I mean I knew you guys were hooking up, but haven't you been in love with me for like over a year?" She asked confused. Yes I have but damn it you didn't love me back and then I met Alison!

"Yeah I was in love with you, but now I'm not anymore. I love Alison!" My voice came out even more cold than it did before. I saw Elena's eyes fill with tears, I didn't want to hurt her but at the moment I didn't really care that much, I only cared about Alison being hurt by my stupid actions.

Elena ran out of my room crying, if this had been before I met Alison I would have run after Elena and taken her in my arms, but now all I could think about was Alison. She had looked so hurt when she caught Elena and I kissing. I had told myself I would never hurt her and look at me now!

I don't know how long I had been standing like that but suddenly I heard Alison slam the front door after her.. Where the hell is she going.

I ran down the stairs and out the front door, by ran I of cause mean that I used my vampire speed. I watched as she slightly jumped when I showed up right in front of her. Under different circumstances I would have smirked and made a witty remark about my good looks making her jump, but not now, her face was covered in tears and she looked so sad.. So broken.. I felt my heart drop at the sight of her.

While being so cut up in her sad face I didn't even notice her moving away from me. She approached her old car, but before she could put the keys in and unlock the door I tried to wrap my arms around and hug her, but she pushed me away and slapped me across the face. It hurt. Of cause it didn't physically hurt me, but trust me it hurt..

"I'm leaving and don't fucking follow me!" Her face was now blank and completely devoid of emotions. If I thought seeing her cry broke my heart I can't even express how it made me feel to see her like this..

She got in her car and threw her bag on the passenger seat. I just stood there and watched as she drove of.

Fuck I've screwed up!


Alright here we go:-) too bad for Elena she was to late..! But mostly poor Alison.. having to see that:-( please vote and commend on the story:-) and have an amazing day.

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