Chapter One: She's Looking At You.

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Chapter One: She's Looking At You.

Shawn walked past the chemistry room, hands tucked into his hoodie's pockets. Zeth sighed as he stared at one of the lockers. Delilah was holding Zeth's had as she stared at Shawn. Their emo friend, Xae was of course, engrossed with his phone's screen. They were the stubborn popular kids and everyone loved them. Shawn looked around when he saw a wisp of.. orange? pass him. The boy raised a brow, a confused look on his face before he shrugged it off and he waved to his friends, entering his History class. Once he did, he stared at the birds flying past the window. He raised a brow before chuckling to himself.

The brunette sauntered over to his seat which was at the back of the class. Shawn rolled his eyes at the students, putting his feet up and letting out a yawn. Shawn scouted the room, seeing girls blush once they entered and boys roll their eyes at the gossip. The first week at school was weird. There were already rumors about Shawn dating some girl and a trio of exchange students. Shawn rolled his eyes again. It was stupid but this was highschool.

Minutes later, Mrs. Gold came in, a checklist in hand which caused students to sit down.

Her strawberry blonde hair was tied up in a beautiful and neat bun. She turned to the class, her ocean blue eyes stared at students. She looked rather tired. For a 35 year old, she looked stunning. Mrs. Gold turned her head as she looked at the door, as if waiting for someone's arrival. And az if fate decided last minute and thought it was time to inflict war, three teens stumbled in, panting. Shawn examined each of them.

There was a girl wearing a black t-shirt and a black hoodie. She was also wearing skinny jeans and her signature black sneakers. She had her black hair trimmed into pixie cut and she had cute nerdy glasses. She looked like she wasn't American or Canadian so Shawn assumed she was Chinese.

The taller girl had brown hair and red highlights. She was wearing a white crop top and a leather jacket. She wore a red balloon skirt and some heels. She looked absolutely dazzling and pretty. Shawn shrugged before looking at the last person.

There stood a strawberry blonde with ever so blue eyes. Her hair was tied up in a high ponytail. She was wearing a white blouse and a chocolate brown skirt along with some simple onyx hued flats and stockings. Shawn's eyes drifted from his history teacher to the girl. They looked exactly like each other. Mrs. Gold looked at the teens, a frown on her face.

"Introduce yourselves and explain why you're late." She said sternly. The brunette spoke up first.

"Katryn Steenkamp. I'm late cause my friend over here decided to forget the car keys." Kat said, pointing to the noirnette.

"Mianhae. I'm Park Zen Lou. Exchange student. Sorry. I was late cause.. Well.. What Kat said." She said, pushing her glasses back up. The smaller strawberry blonde silenced herself. She was obviously scared until Mrs. Gold glared at her. Shawn raised a brow.

'Daughter..?' He thought to himself.

"And you are?" She asked the girl with a raised brow.

The small girl swallowed the lump in her throat nervously. She looked up at the history teacher.

"I.. I'm Flaire.. Flaire Gold." She introduced herself shyly. Shawn's eyes widened. Gold?.. That would mean she's a newbie. His history teacher's kid. The male smirked, putting his feet down with a stomp. This shocked the whole class. Flaire flinched as she looked at Shawn, obviously confused and scared.

"Flaire, Zen and Kat. To your seats." Mrs. Gold stated firmly. Flaire winced before she slowly made her way to the back of the class. Kat of course, took the seat in front. Zen did the same. Flaire walked past Shawn as she sat down beside him, oblivious that she was beside the boy who basically ran the school. The brunette smirked.

Flaire averted her gaze to the brunette, her fists clenched. The strawberry blonde blinked thrice as she gave him a small smile. Shawn raised a brow as Flaire looked back at the board.

Flaire could hear the gossiping of girls about 'sitting next to the hottest guy in school'. But did she care? Not really. Wasn't a big deal to her. The bell rang as everyone got up, saying their goodbyes to the class. Students exited the room hurriedly. Shawn sighed as he proceeded to exit the room, his hands inside his hoodie's pockets. He bumped into a small yet familiar strawberry blonde.

Shawn Kelly looked down at Flaire Gold with a mischievous smirk.

Oh hell, this school year was going to be great.

Especially now that he had someone to mess with.


Hi! So this is the first chapter of my new book! What do you guys think? Sorry if it's short. My laptop was confiscated which meant I couldn't write a lot. Anyways, stay tuned for what happens next!

No promises that Flaire's gonna get out of this class without a blush ;)

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Love you guys! ❤

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2017 ⏰

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