Unexpected Encounter.

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 Here they were. The end of the season, and Otabek and Yuri were alone. They lingered after the rest of the skaters left out of interest in each other. Otabek and Yuri had been playful with each other recently: going sightseeing and on dinners that they insisted to others were not dates. However, today was different than the other days that Otabek was with Yuri. Otabek has finally decided to take action. He wandered around the room until he was finally near Yuri. Yuri was just finished packing up his stuff, when suddenly, the electricity went out. Pitch black, only the glimmer of their eyes were visible. Yuri let out a frustrated moan.

"Great, these knuckleheads can't even run the electricity correct." Yuri insulted angrily.

Always easy to irritate, Otabek laughed to himself. He tapped Yuri on the shoulder, and just as Yuri began to turn, Otabek slammed his body against Yuri's on the lockers. Yuri was startled and his whole body became numb, he wasn't used to Otabek's assertive side.

"Wait, Otabek-" Yuri was suddenly cut off.

Otabek forcefully grasped Yuri by the necktie. With this gesture, Yuri couldn't help but to let out a jolted sigh. The brash and insensitive Yuri felt himself feeling flustered and was at a lost for words as he stared deeply into Otabek's piercing gaze. Why was he looking at Yuri like that? Yuri fumbled for his words, his emotions were puzzled as his heartbeat quickened. What was this feeling, and why was Yuri so frightened by it.

"W...What," Yuri felt his words falter and his gaze weaken.This wasn't like him. He cleared his throat and straightened up. "What are you doing, Otabek?" Yuri demanded more forcefully, furrowing his eyebrows in his usual demeanor.

Otabek, surprised by the sudden change in character, felt himself loosen his grip. Conscious of this subtle movement, Otabek shook his head with reassurance. He was going to go through with this. With a sly smirk at Yuri's vulnerable exposure, Otabek seized Yuri's tie even more forcefully, pulling with such strength that Yuri crashed into his lap. This unknown outcome led Otabek and Yuri both in surprise as each hesitantly looked around, blushing heavily around their cheeks.

Yuri grew red to the end of his ears as he frustratedly let out a pout. He shifted resistively against Otabek's grip, clawing at the fingers wrapped around his tie to escape. However, although quiet, once Otabek was set on something, he wouldn't let it get away. Ever.

"Don't, Yuri." Otabek said so soft it sounded almost like a whisper.

Yuri stopped for a second. His eyes, big and wavering, locked with Otabek's hazelnut eyes. Yuri was captivated by those eyes that seemed to gleam like gold but also burn like coal. What a mischievous look; a double edged sword. Those eyes resembled Otabek very closely, Yuri thought. He had seen both the gold and coal sides of Otabek... both frightened Yuri in different ways.

"W-what do you want me to do?" Yuri asked foolishly. He was at a loss for words by Otabeks behavior.

The soft spoken and self kept man Yuri was so familiar with, began to bear a look that was so deceivingly lustful. Yuri, for the second time, was experiencing the coal and dark eyes of Otabek.

"I want you." Otabek demanded, his eyes piercing Yuri.

"What does that mean you fool?" Yuri retorted curtly.

Otabek smiled to himself, lowering his head as he chuckled. This chuckle, was not comedic relief; it sent shivers down Yuri's spine.

"I need you," Otabek gasped desperately, climbing ontop of Yuri.

Yuri was now spread out beneath Otabek, his eyes quivering in fear. He was always able to keep his calm but now, faced with Otabek's sweaty body, he was in awe of how Otabek was able to glisten so beautifully in the dimly lit room. Yuri's heart fastened. His fists clenched. He bit back his lip and came to a conclusion: he was in control. Yuri didn't like being pushed around like this; Otabek was going to pay.

"You must be weak then," Yuri cut harshly as he pushed Otabek over and straddled on top of him. His hands running up and down Otabek's chest, not leaving room for him to breathe.

Yuri could feel Otabek's breath hasten and smiled to himself in success. Otabek was now the one filled with fear, how did this happen? He had Yuri right under his control, and just like that, Yuri was able to surpass him... once again. Otabek was usually submissive person, but not with Yuri. No. This was different; he was different. He needed to show Yuri that he was strong too.

"If you think that, then you don't know me very well huh?" Otabek breathed caustically.

"Oh, really now?" Yuri leaned in closer, so close that Otabek felt each breath, each movement, each whimper Yuri embodied.

"How about you prove me wrong then?" Otabek was able to amount to the same confidence as Yuri now.

Yuri leaned in so close now that their lips were nearly touching. Peach. Otabek's lips, tasted like peach. Yuri smiled to himself, such an interesting guy.

"I'm just messing with you, you dumb head." Yuri laughed, now brought back to reality. Yuri hit Otabek playfully on the head as he separated himself from Otabek, standing up and brushing off his clothes.

Otabek pouted as he rubbed his head hurtfully; he, not going to lie, was disappointed.

"Whatever, Yuri." Otabek, too, got up now and started to turn away. His footsteps could be heard getting more distant by the second. "I'll see you around."

Yuri smiled to himself, once again, knowing that he won this battle.

"Oh, Otabek?" Yuri called.

"Yes?" He responded, calmly as if nothing happened.

"We will continue this later." Yuri said, and with that, he was gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2016 ⏰

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