Finn's Birthday 2016

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A/N: Happy Birthday, Finn Wolfhard!

A/N 2: Pure fiction, nothing to do with what's happening in real life.

Finn woke up at the sweet smell of pancakes. He wondered why. He had filmed until really late in the evening last night, so he was beat up.

He grabbed his phone to check the time, not even bothering to check what day it was. It was 10:23, he found that strange. If he didn't wake up his parent would. Something was going on.

He slipped out bed, as slow as zombie and grabbed some pants and a shirt. He went to the bathroom to wash his face. His hair was a mess, but he really didn't care. He walked to the stairs in auto pilot. He still wasn't awake. But then something woke him up, a giggle. A little giggle he adored. A little british giggle he adored.

He walked down the stairs slowly, trying to eavesdrop what was happening. It certainly was her. He started rushing down the stairs, but as quiet as he was. He stopped when he reached the floor.

"One time, when Finn was 4, he rode the neighbours dog down the street naked." Her mother' voice said, giggling. " The neighbours got so scared their dog was missing, they called the cops." Millie started laughing. "What happened?" she said in her cute british accent. "They found him on the--"

"That's private, very, private." Finn said interrupting. "Well look, who decided to get up." Her mother said kissing his cheek. "I was worried Millie, would have to wait 'til christmas." She said chuckling. "Wait, for what?" he said ignorant of what they were talking about. She was wearing a navy blue long sleeve shirt and black pants. Her short hair was held with a white hairband, she looked adorable.

"To give you your present, Birthday Boy!" She said pulling him into a hug and burying her face in his chest. "Millie my birthday is tomorrow!" he said confused. "Sweetheart, you slept through yesterday!" Her mother said. "What!?" he screamed, "Are you kidding me?"

Millie bursted into laughs. "See, that's what you get when you work too much!" she said, hugging him tighter.

Finn changed position to stand behind Millie, he had grown so much the last months, he could easily rest his chin on her head. He hugged her tighter. "I can't believe it!"

"Well, you better do!" she said looking up, "Otherwise, I won't be able to give you your present.

"Are you going to eat breakfast, son? Millie here, has been waiting for you." Her mother inquired. "Yep, I'll go get changed.

2-3 minutes later

"Finn grabbed Millie's chair and pulled it out for her. "You've raised a gentleman, Miss Wolfhard!" she said sitting. "I'm beginning to notice that." she answered with a smirk.

They ate and laughed,sharing stories of Finn on set, told by Millie and Finn as a child, told by her mum. Sometimes Finn would just sunk into his seat embarrassed. Other times he would proudly smile about his mischievous childhood or pranks on set.

Finn's mum had to go to work, but Millie stayed the whole day. They watched 'It' and other scary movies and Finn would laugh every time Millie jumped into him. Then Millie got the chance to pick the movie, she picked a british romantic comedy. Finn had heard of it, but he never really saw it. The plot was based around several characters around christmas time. He ended up liking the movie.

After a while Finn's mum called. She said she would not be able to go home for dinner, so they could order anything. "How do you stand it, you know, your mother not being here for dinner?" Finn looked at her and smiled. "Well, because she is a nurse, sometimes she wouldn't come home for days, so I ended up getting used to it." Millie smiled at him and snuggled into his chest. "So what do you want to eat?" he asked, brushing her hair. "You are not eating junk food on Birthday Finn! I'm going to cook you dinner." She said standing and heading for the kitchen. He didn't even try to argue, he knew it would be useless. He walked to the kitchen and leaned on the door frame. Watching her. Looking for bowls and spoons. She looked so pretty. "At least let me help you." She smiled and kissed him on the cheek. "Thanks, babe."

"Wait!" said Finn, before they started cooking. He went to his living room. And stood in front of a shelf where there where lots of records. He had LP's, Ep's and Singles. He had The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, Supertramp, Pink Floyd and a lot of other classic rock musicians. From Chuck Berry to Imagine Dragons and Buddy Holly to Oasis. He had every thing, not just rock. Blues, R&B, Soul, Reggae. Everything.

He started searching. Running his fingers through all of them, 'til he found it. He took it out revealing some big brown letters that said, James Brown Out of Sight. He carefully took it out of the fold and placed over the record player. He grabbed the needle and placed it on the seventh track.

Cut to a romantic kitchen montage

They had fun in the kitchen. Finn didn't really know what he was doing, but Millie told him how to do everything so it was fine. First they grabbed water and boiled it. Then, it was time for the spaghettis, at which Finn failed miserably, so Millie had to do it. After that they started making the tomato sauce. Millie gave it to Finn, when she thought it was ready. Finn really liked it, but Millie said it wasn't ready yet.

After some 45 minutes of mess. Finn got the table on the balcony ready. He even lit a candle and place a flower. Millie was still in the kitchen doing god knows what. "Millie?" Finn called her. "Coming!" she answered.

When she arrived, she was surprised. "Wow, Finn--I...!" Finn smiled at her puling her chair. "This is very--"


"I was gonna go with lovely, but that too!" she said cracking up and moving closer to Finn. She kissed him. "Happy Birthday." she said, pulling out of the kiss.

They ate staring at each other the whole night. Sometimes one of them would start laughing, because the other would spill some sauce or have a red mouth. That night was perfect, for both of them.

They finished eating and decided to go to the roof. Finn had brought some Lounges at the roof at a party of the Stranger Things cast and never really got them down. Finn went down stairs to get some blankets. When he got up he found Millie lying on one of them singing. He smiled and sat on the lounge, hugging Millie. "Aren't the stars something else tonight?" she said. He answered with a "Hm."

"Hey, I actually never gave your gift." she said pulling a box out of her jacket. Finn sat straight. "Open it!" she spoke enthusiastically. Finn smirked grabbing the box. He opened it. There two rings. "Millie Bobby Brown! Are you proposing me?" he said cracking up.

"Pffft, you wished Wolfhard! They are promise rings. See?" she said signalling the inscriptions. "Mine's says 'Promise?' and yours says 'Promise'." she smiled. Finn got the two rings out of the box. "May I?" he asked reaching for her hand. Millie extended her left hand and Finn slipped the ring on her ring finger. They both smiled and Millie did the same for Finn.

They cuddled and covered with the blankets. Finn was looking at his ring. Millie was sleeping. He kissed her forehead and said, "Promise."

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