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*Picture by DreamingDoodler! She's a lifesaver ;_; *It's the main character and now the bootiful cover


We all sat at our desks while we finished up an assignment. I wasn't doing much, I never really was a worker. I dropped my pencil and started playing with my ears " Alright everyone, circle time! Gather round!" All of us got out of our tiny chairs and head to the small alphabet rug with a rocking chair in the middle. "Today we are going to be learning about monster history!" The teacher smiled. I raised my paw " Mrs.dreemurr, why were the humans sealed underground?" Toriel giggled, "I shall tell you." Toriel bent down and grabbed a dusty book with brown leather and bronze decorating it. She slowly sat down on the rocking chair, blowing dust off the book and opening it. " A long time ago two races ruled over earth, humans, and monsters. One day war broke out between the two races, after a long battle the monsters were victorious. We sealed the humans underground with a magic spell."  A kid next to me raised their hand "yes Darren?" "Where were they sealed underground?" He asked "good question, the humans were believed to have been sealed under mt.ebott." Toriel attempted to close the book but a kid blurted out " has anyone ever climbed mt.ebott!?" Toriel inhaled and exhaled " there were children who were believed to have made it to the top, but they disappeared. We don't know where they are." "Are they dead?" Toriel glared at the child "how absurd! You should not think so darkly!" The bell started ringing "recess!" The teacher shouted. All the kids piled out of the room ecstatically, not me though. I'm not too fond of getting wood chips stuck in my wool. I just stuck behind the line like a lost puppy, following its owner. We were approaching the door outside, but I split off from the line and went into the library. Or rather the libarby... " hey Begi! how are you?" I turned around to the libarbian. "I'm doing good! hey.. do you have any books on mt.Ebbot?" He turned arounjand rooted around and came up seconds later "right here!"

I walked up and grabbed it "Thanks!" " no problem Begi!" I skedaddled over to a bean bag in the corner of the libarby. I cracked open the book, I scanned the pages for any information on the childredn who fell. Aha! here's some information on the first child.. " The first child   who wandered off to mount ebott was ,missing for 5 years, then presumed dead.we dont know much about the child. they were 6 years old, loving parents, and went to Ruins Elementary. their fist name we do not know except for the first letter. T Katalac. May they rest in peace..." I closed the book, set it down next to the chair and got up. I walked over the the shelves, placing a paw on the books and scanned them. "there it is!" I snatched the school directory and sat back down. Opened it and searched the K section.I gasped, but my excitment soon fell. I found Katalac, but their first name was scratched off... but the address wasn't..

_le time skip brought to you by dunkaroos_

I walked down the sidewalk and stopped.. trhis is it. T Katalacs house,I walked up to the door. Took a deep breath and knocked. I waited a few seconds, then a voice of an old lady responded " who's there? What do you want?" " I'm here to ask about T. Katalac" " is anybody with you?" She asked suspisiouisly. . "no." The door opened. A tall old woman stood there, she had a skull as a head, and claws for hands.. "Well are you going to come in brat?" A stepped into the house, it didn't look so good. " so uhm.. are you T's mother?" "yeah, not too happy about it.." I looked at her in confusion. " did you not like your child?" She shook her head. "all T did was mope around. never happy. she was ungrateful, worthless, and i'm glad she's dead."  I Was shocked to say the least.. The book said that T had a happy life.." uhh what did she look like..?" The woman tossed me a photo album. " you can keep the pictures." she grunted. I opened the book. there was a picture of the lady, a fox man with nine tales next to her, and a small child. "who's this?" I pointed to the man. "My husband." She replied bluntly, I took a closer look at the child. their head had long strips of white hair, her head looked like it was a skull like her mothers, she also had claws, ears, and 6 tails with black tips. T looked so scared, so sad.. so Empty. I felt a burst of motivation, what if they weren't dead? what if none of those kids were dead? What if the humans protected them? I had to know.  I grabbed the picture and ran out of the house as fast as I could. I ran down the sidewalk and straight towards the tall mountain. I kept running. I wasn't tired. I wouldn't give up. I wouldn't let them go. I put my paw over my heart, I could feel it beating. I know what that is, its purpose. I have a reason, a reason to try. a reason not to fail. Before I knew it I was standing right in front of the mountain I stepped foot on it's grass and looked it dead in the eye. I took another step, and another. I continued up the tall treachorous mountain.

-Hours later-

I stood at the near top of the mountain, no going back now. I continued up and found a cave enterance. I walked towards it but stopped at the enterance. I looked behind me, at the warm sun that was going down, creating a sky full of hues. I might never see it again,  I have words of doubt filling my mind but I can't go back when i'm close. So close to helping them. I turn to face the enterace of the cave, and step inside. I look around, pillars held the cave up, vines surrounded the floor, some have purple flowers on them. There was a giant hole in the middle, I walked towards it slowly. I went on my knees and looked down the hole. I could hear tiny voices " where an I?" "did I die?" "I failed you.." " I'll Help!" " what is this place?" "I'm scared." They all  sounded diffirent. I then too whispered "I made it..." I smiled as a tear rolled down my cheek and fell down the hole. I felt a shake and my grip on the ground loosened. My arm slipped off and I fell forwards down the hole " no!" I thought " I DON'T WANNA DIE!" I screamed.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2016 ⏰

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