1st Dare

488 32 15

Dared by lunatoamani

Go to Thorne and profess your love for him with out smiling or laughing, tell him that the only thing that keeps you apart is his hair color, and that his hair should be purple.

Okay... I'll go get him.

"Thorne, come here please."

"I know your manners are fake. What do you need?"

"I have something very important to tell you." I keep my face as serious as possible.

"Aw, don't tell me you're breaking up with Cinder!" I glare at him as he laughs. He stops laughing. "...wait.  SERIOUSLY?!!?"

"No!!! We are not breaking up, now let me speak." I clear my throat. "I profess my love to you, for it's too great to keep to myself. The only thing that keeps me apart is THIS!" I mess his hair up. "It. Must. Be. PURPLE!"

"Hey, I just finished putting hair gel on!" He runs to the restroom to fix it. I hear him yell:

"Purple is not my color! Gah, my hair!"

Thorne is all about his hair so he probably didn't notice my confession. Yeah...


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