"I don't know!" Chris yelled back, wiping off his  tongue. "I don't read labels."

"Oh!" Eva said, face-palming. "You really are hopeless!" Eva said. She thought for a moment. "Let me show you how it's really done." She said, standing up.

"Oh so it's a competition now?" Chris asked, looking at Eva as she walked toward the kitchen. He bit his lip. "I like you in competitive mode. It think it's hot." He said smirking.

"Shut up Chris!" Eva yelled. "I'm focusing." She said. She went through the pantry and got out all the ingredients for her mother's pancake recipe. It was her absolute favorite when she was a little girl, and she knew Chris would love it too.

She started making the dish, but just a few minutes into it she felt hands around her waist, and lips on her neck. "Chris..." she said, trying not to give in. She quickly snapped herself out of it. "Stop!!" She said, nudging him off of her. "You can't distract me! It's cheating! You didn't see me distracting you when you were cooking, now did you?" She asked.

"You came up beside me." Chris said. "The thought of having you next to me is distracting enough." Chris said.

Eva looked over at Chris, in disbelief of what he had just said. It was actually kind of... sweet.!For a couple of moments they held eye contact until Eva cleared her throat. She looked down at the pancake she was cooking. "Oh!" She exclaimed. She laughed lightly. "You can't distract me like that!" She said.

Chris put his hands up as if saying "hey I didn't do anything wrong" and walked back to the table and sat down. "Hey it's almost Christmas." Chris said. "How about some music?" He said while wandering over to the stereo. When he turned it on, White Christmas was playing. Chris hummed along and eventually Eva did too.

Eva's pancakes were finally done. She turned off the burner but shortly after, Chris grabbed her hand and pulled her toward him. "Dance with me!" He said.

"Chris!" Eva said. "How does this have anything to do with anything?"

"That's just the thing! It doesn't!" Chris took her in his arms and they waltzed around the kitchen while Christmas songs played in the background. Eva brought her face up from Chris' shoulder and stared into his dark eyes. Their faces grew closer and closer. Suddenly, Eva pulled away, clearing her throat.

"Uh... the pancakes are done so we should probably eat them while they're still hot." Chris nodded, but she could tell he was a bit disappointed.

She went over to the stove and stacked two plates with two pancakes each. She got out the whipped cream and did a dollop on top of each one. She sprinkled some berries on as well fro a final touch and brought the plates over to a hungry-looking Chris. She handed him a plate and took her respective seat on the opposite side of the table. "Ready?" She asked.

"I was born ready!" Chris replied.

"Okay!" Eva said, laughing. "One... two... three!" She said. They both dug their forks into the pancakes and shoved them into their mouths. Eva was immediately transported back to her kitchen table as an 8 year old girl, just learning how to make her mom's signature pancakes for the first time.

Chris moaned and rolled his eyes to the back of his head. Eva laughed and his reaction. "I'm guessing you must like them then, huh?" She asked, with food still in her mouth.

"Mhmm!!" Chris mumbled between bites. "Fuck Eva! This is amazing!!" He exclaimed. "But you know what would make it even better?" He asked with a suspicious smile on his face.

"What?" Eva asked nervously.

Chris got up from his seat and quickly walked over to the fridge. He then took a cylinder-shaped object out of the fridge. Eva heard a familiar fluffy sound behind her. She opened her mouth to yell Chris!! But she only got "Chr-" out before something cold, wet, and fluffy hit her face.

I know you want it - chris + evaМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя