1 week later

Khushi have returned home today from hospitaland right now family members are howering upon her . Arnav can see khushi who was pampered by everyone is nervous and hesitation in her eyes he can see clearly . 

He knew the reason it must be awkard for her , sitting in his room, in his bed when she don't even remember their relation on her own, even if she did she used to sleep at poolside not on his bed , cringing at those memories, he again looks at Khushi inside he felt happy to see her on his room on his bed , only he knew how painful was it for him to push her in poolside on their wedding night when he wanted nothing but got lost in her looking at her beautiful form sitting on his bed tagged as his "only his", he again looks at khushi and remembers what happened a week ago in hospital.


Explaining everything to Raizada's and Gupta's about khushi's condition, When Arnav entered in khushi room, he saw her engrossed in some serious conversation with payal, they stopped when they saw him , where payal smiled at him and started to go out so they can talk, khushi refused to meet his eyes.

Taking slow steps towards her he sat beside her on bed and noticed how she got stiff with his action.

Arnav: how are you feeling now?

khushi: fine! 

Arnav: uh... ok.. he struggled with words unsure what to speak next but khushi beat him.

khushi: jiji told me!

Arnav: huh?

Khushi: jiji told me about our marriage! i am sorry for my early behavior but seriously i don't remember anything about this, believe me.

Arnav: i know!

Khushi giggled suddenly making Arnav to look at her amusingly. 

Arnav: what happened?

Khushi: Nothing! I was thinking that we got married, suddenly! sounds weird isn'td? 

Now it was Arnav turn to be shocked , he can't tell her how and why? It's not the right time, so he smartly ingored the topic.

flashback ends

It was night, everyone has returned to their room leaving the couple alone. Arnav closed the door and turned behind to look at Khushi who was looking in all directions except him. Great!! he thought.

Arnav(to khushi): I'll just go and change, and he almost ran inside the washroom while khushi chuckled at his behavior.

Arnav(inside the bathroom): What the!!! why i am feeling so scared? He calms down himself wearing his ASR mask.

Arnav: I can do it, its just khushi"
(In heart: that's the probelem that its khushi).

Arnav: No i have to behave carefully, i can't do anything stupid.

Arnav comes out to look at khushi who was looking around the room, frowning and their eyes met, she smiled nervously at him (and here goes ASR attitude in drain).

Arnav: "dammitt!!!!!" .

Khushi: What happened? Arnav looked at khushi who was looking at him confused and realised that he has spoken aloud.

Arnav : Nothing!! He walk towards her and check her bandage holding her cheek from one hand, khushi shivered at his touch, though he did that frequently in last week but still she felt shy. Arnav realised soon looking at her pink cheeks and removed his hand from her cheek.

Arnav: umm... its late! you should take your medicines and sleep saying this he helped her to take her medicine and made he lay down comfortably on bed. his concern was making khushi happy.

Khushi have many question regarding their marriage but thought to ask later as she didn't wanted to burden Arnav more, he's already worried because of her but now his proximity doing different assaults inside her, laying on his bed she can't help but how their relation has progressed.

She remembers Arnav's behavior while marriage rituals of payash marriage and blushed thinking howmuch they must be close after this marriage. She knew she can't deny Arnav for anything so she have no doubt that they must be sharing a husband wife relation (only if she knew) but she frowned when she saw Arnav moving towards couch with taking pillow and extra duvet.

Khushi: where are you going?

Arnav: i am here only khushi. you need something. 

Khushi: No! I mean she said pointing towards the pillow in his hand.

Arnav cursed himself inwardly, ofcourse she don't remember anything and knows him as her husband only.

Arnav: I am sleeping on couch, you are injured. You should be comfortable.

khushi(feeling bad): no probelem Arnav ji! this bed is so huge,. you sleep here . I'll be okay!

Arnav: but!

khushi: please Arnav ji! otherwise i'll feel bad. 

Arnav looked at khushi's hopefull face and nodded . He came towards bed and slide beside her "it's going to be difficult" he thought mentally.

Arnav turns to look at khushi, who was sleeping peacefully with the help of medicines, unknowingly.

He intertwined his hand with her and close his eyes and soon drifted to sleep after long time.

To be continued...

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