"Honey, you know we're doing all this for your own good. We want you to be happy and have someone in your life. We don't like seeing you shut yourself like this. Please don't be upset with us."Okay maybe they noticed her gloominess.

"Yeah. I understand. I'm not upset. I was.....just thinking of what to wear tomorrow." Lucy replied mustering a smile.

"Haha, okay. We'll leave you to do that. Jack shall we drop you home?" Her dad asked.

"He came with his car, Dad." Lucy butted in. I did not come by my car. In fact I didn't even have a car. Wow she wants me to stay.

"Oh, okay. Bye honey. Bye Jack." We waved her parents goodbye, and as soon as they were inside the elevator, Lucy slammed the door shut.

"I don't want to go meet him!!!!!!!" She screamed like a teenager who was grounded. "URGH!!"

She clutched her hair in her hands and slumped down against the couch. She laid back her head and looked at me.

"Do you think I should go?" She asked me more calmly.

No, of course you shouldn't. You should wait here for me to muster the courage to tell you I love you and then we'll fall in love, get married and make cute babies.

"Maybe you should. Your parents are right, you shouldn't keep shutting yourself in like this." I am a dumb person. I shouldn't be encouraging her to go. I'm seriously such an idiot. I slumped down next to her.

She stared at me for a long time, probably considering whether to go or not. I stared back too, lost in her beautiful eyes.

"Yeah, I think I should."

There. There goes my chance of ever confessing to Lucy. I know how everything is going to from here. She'll go meet Jonathan, he'll charm her, she'll fall for him and then they'll get married and make cute babies. And I'll remain forever alone, and get invited to the swanky parties Jonathan and Lucy will host as a couple. I'll be looking at them kissing and being "couple-goals", and I'll be drinking myself away. Lucy will pity me and set me up with one of her friends and......

"Earth to Jack!! Hello?" Lucy is waving her hands in front of me, snapping me out of my nightmare.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"I asked how you are going home."

"Umm, I'll be taking the bus. Unfortunately I didn't come by my own car." I say smirking at her. She smiles back, for the first time this evening. And because of me!! Woohoo!

"When do you plan on leaving?"

"The next bus home is in 30 mins. So you'll have to put up with me till then."

"More like the other way around. Come help me choose what to wear tomorrow." She says getting up. Wow, I thought girls usually asked their girlfriends what to wear. I must've unlocked a new level of friendzone.

We walked into her room which pleasantly smelled of her. I had to restrain myself from taking a huge sniff. I expected her room to be messy, but it was very organised and neat. She had put up a few pictures, her medals and certificates from school and some stuffed toys. Her clothes were also very neatly arranged.

"Please ignore that." She said waving to her innerwear piled in one corner of her cupboard.

"Hard to." I replied winking. It actually was hard to look away, now that I'd seen them. So this is what hugs her body every day. I was jealous of them. Okay enough pervert thoughts. Focus, she's saying something.

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