You're My World

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You're My World 

Chapter 42

Maui's POV

 Two days later...

   This is it. Tala, Moana, and I are just about done packing our supplies. We board the boat one at a time. Moana then unties the boat from the dock and jumps onto the boat as it begins to float away. Tala is startled by her actions and clutches her heart. She playfully swats Moana. "I love you babygirl but you nearly gave me a heart attack." Moana looks to Tala and then to me and apologizes several times. "Moana, it's fine. We're fine love. Now try to relax. I know that things are going to be really stressful for you once we reach Montonui." I can see Moana tense up at the mention of Montonui so I rub her shoulders until they begin to relax. 

  3 hours later... 

   Tala fell asleep a few minutes ago so Moana and I get some needed alone time to talk for a little while. "Moana, I get that you don't want to worry Tala, which is understandable because she's just getting used to being alive again, but me on the other hand, I'll worry about you every second of the day. I don't care how sick it makes me. What I care about is how you're feeling. I'm really worried that this trip is going to either make or break you. If it happens to break you, I know that I'm completely responsible for it and I'll never be able to live with myself." Moana puts a hand up to my face and I close my eyes at her delicate and loving touch. "Maui, none of it is your fault. I'll tell you that every second of the day if I have to. You've done nothing wrong. You've been my lifeline since the day we met. Even though you didn't know it then and disliked me at the time, I knew there was something special about and I was right." 

    I lean my head into her shoulder as she continues to talk. "Maui, I owe you everything and more. Thanks to you, the two people I love most in the world are here beside me. You pushed your pain aside so you could help me cope with mine. While I deeply appreciate it, I don't want it to cause you to fall apart. Between your pain and mine, I can only imagine the toll it's taken on you love." "Moana, you are and will always be my top priority. Nothing you say to me will change that. I'd move heaven and earth for you. Literally, if you asked me to move heaven and earth for you, I would. Hell I'd do anything to just see that beautiful smile of yours." 

    Moana smiles and kisses me on the forehead. "Maui how did I get so lucky?" I raise an eyebrow. "What do you mean Moana?" She bites her lip. "I mean you could have had any girl in the world, other demigoddesses included, but yet you chose me. Why?" I pull her in for a hug. "The answer to that my love is simple. You are my world." 

Hoped that you guys liked this chapter! :) -Mary 



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