Prologe (IDK how to spell)

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16 years old, 11 years without my father, 10 long years with my ridiculous mother,  5 years rejoined with my father, 4 years learning about the family secret, 3 years without my dad, 2 years with my mother traveling from city to city, 1 year of being pressured into a religion I don't believe in, now moved to a city that would change my life.

Kara Mitchells is 16 and her life is anything but normal (damn how original is my sentence). Her mother and father never got along, her dad left before she was born, Kara always thought her dad was just a dick that left her. Her mother is crazy, making her doing things she doesn't want to do. But when she was 11 her dad came back, that made her mother crazy, even more crazy. When she was 12 her dad told her about the family secret, but she couldn't tell anyone, a a expecsially not her mother. Kara had inherited the family power from her mother, she would be everything her mother hated. Her dad tried to teacher everything he knew but after a year her father got kill by her families enemies. Her mother believed that they should move to forget about her father, that he wasn't worth it, that he was the crazy one, not her. For the past 2 years Kara was moving from town to town, school to school. Her mother's job kept moving her. A year ago her mother became very Christian and tried to convert Kara, to make her believe in something she just doesn't. Now they move to the town of Haven. It is a relatively small town. Kara is going to meet people who will change her life forever. 

The Family Secret, magic.....

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2017 ⏰

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