Bad Temptation

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Author note: I will put a rating of PG but later in the book their will be rauchy scenes

Georgina waits outside his office. Her dark brown hair nice and neat in a bun her fridge shaped to hug her face. She was young only 23 but she had left schools soon as she was aloud too. Her parents didn’t approve of her leaving school, but Georgina would rather work. She got a full time job just soon as she left and worked her way up in the job industry. She was now applying for a position as a sectary job which would pay more than her other jobs that she has. She wore her grandmother pearls with a white bloused with a tight skirt that sat on her skinny waist. She wore light black stocking with black high heel that had straps that hug her ankles. She had her portfolio in front of her resting against her feet. She wore no makeup as she doesn’t believe that people don’t need it and plus she was allergic to most products. Georgina skin was sensitive to most expensive and cheap product and perfumes. She had an even tanned which was a nice shade of light brown she had no tattoos, piercing, not birth mark or ugly mole. Georgina was a goddess if anyone ever noticed. She wants to get a job as a model but need to get enough money to even think about it. She didn’t even know who to approach a position. She looks at her sliver watch on her right wrist as she was left handed. 10 to 10 the boss was late and the receptionist had told her that the boss was going to be late and give her and alternative choice if she wanted to reschedule or wait. Georgina decides to wait as this job will determine her path for the future.

“Miss Lewis, I’m sorry I am late” Marcus stood at a brown hair woman who sat outside his office. Georgina looks up to see an older man his black hair turning to a light shade of grey. He short stumble beard make him look experience. He had green leaf eyes, and he jaw line was define and strong which suited his bone structure. Marcus was staring at her she was doing the same. Georgina knew she was staring so she blinked and stood up to shake the man hand.

“Good morning sir” She holds her hand out and he gladly shakes it. He shows her the way to his office and he takes a sit. She take a seat in front of his desk, looking a t his plaque ‘M. LEO’. His plaque sat squarely on his desk. He watches her, she looks up to him.

“Miss Lewis, can I please look at you portfolio” His voice deep echoing though her. She smiles and her white tooth shows. She stands up to hand over her portfolio. He opens it and look though it while she studies’ his face.  If he was playing poker he would be good at it, as he had a good poker face and keep what he thought to himself. He rubs his chin as he flips some more pages. He thought her resume was and her portfolio was very impressive for a school dropout. She rubs her hand nervously as she looks for his answer. He put the portfolio down and looks at her.

“Well miss Lewis. You have a pretty impressive portfolio I must say.....”

Georgina smiles, slightly relaxing but she tighten up again as he said but.

“....But however I don’t think you are cut out for this job.” He looks down and flips though more of Georgina portfolio. He wasn’t sure if she could handle the hour. He could sense that she was staring at him with her hazel eyes. She had nice white straight teeth and looks very young and beautiful. He loves how she wore no makeup and had her natural beauty showing all her highlight in her rosey cheeks. He thought that was her best feature he didn’t know why he usually like women who spent time on their makeup.

“It said in your resume that you drop out of school?” he asked he read her resume which was in front of her folio.

“Yes” Georgina replied.

“Why” he said, he stops looking in the folio and made eye contact with Georgina.

“To be honest I got bored” She said.

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