i can be slytherin

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This is my first story on wattpad. I dont own any of the harry potter world or characters so.. yeah enjoy xoxo


I sighed as I dropped my samsung back on the dark leather of my sofa and slumped down next to it. This was the third time this week they'd blown me off. I'd rung they'd apolagised. i'd never really had that much luck with friends.

In primary everything was great until my 2 "BFFs" suddenly dropped me and stuck to each other like glue ever since. Then in year 5 I decided I'd had enough and kicked up so much of a fuss that my parents had to move me.I was placed in the care of Kingshead Primary where I was treated like mud on the back of one of there posh patent dolly shoes and snickered about.

 When I moved up to "big school" I was suddenly popular and wanted. It felt fun and a bit empowering. I liked it but it didn't last as people who would ask me to be their partner in tennis or food tech (although that might have stopped because I set part of the classroom alight when baking apple crumble) drifted away when they found new, exciting friends to be around.

That's when I had decided I would take action. I joined an acting group and quickly made friends. They were the friends I knew I could trust and have fun with. The five of us would spent two nights a week, weekends and most of our holidays together and I guess most of the other time too, if you count chatting on facebook.

Then on wednesday everything went wrong, I did it again... We were in Topshop when it happened.

I was contemplating whether to buy a necklace. It had a cute, little, colourful owl which swung from a thin silver chain when Keira jumped out from behind me and I screamed. I never noticed the shop assistant scowl at me though as I was stuck frozen to the spot as keira flew backwards into the pile of jeans carefully displayed against the wall and the lights flickered.

I was escorted out after that, still confused and dazed as I answered their questions in monotone and they let me go home. Keira told everyone I pushed her by the next morning but I was sure I never even touched her. My parents closed up too, they did this whenever something strange like that happened and refused to talk to me as if I was infected with some tropical disease. As I sat here, my parents were outside, sitting silently and acting like I wasn't in the house. Yet I could see the glances they occasionally used with a look as if I would blow the house up if they didn't check on me every five minutes.

The sun shone through the open patio doors and I sat back to watch the 90210 rerun that was currently playing. I tied my longish, golden- blonde hair back as there was a knock at the door. I stood up and walked through the corridor that led to the front door and opened it.

"Hello?" I asked as I took in the person stood before me. Her stern face and hair pulled neatly back into a tight bun stopped me from giggling at her outfit of a moss- green, tall, pointed hat and matching cloak.

"saffron blackthorne?" She questioned in a scottish tone.

"umm... thats me."

"i will need to talk to you and your parents."

i can be slytherinWhere stories live. Discover now