Death rider

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he is a my soul eater oc for the enitry series like the normal and not tbh like soul eater not its funny in my opion ok and the name gave bye him is thanks to a fiend on facbook name dustin clement hes a good friend of mine so yeah heres the orgin behind this guy 

death rider was a child hood with lord death know as the grim reaper rider is a samurai that uses dark and blood magic and counsume for fighting and his blade can cut trew almost everything and his mask help control his power thats why he wears it him and lord death been trew many adventures together until he meet this christen woman name lady arachne gorgon who is a spider witch and was associate with Death and Eibon and rider until her betrayal but when he fist met her to his eyes he find her the most beautiful est  woman he ever laid his eyes on they spent time together until lord death his friend as sighted him for missions but soon when her betrayal happend   she  even told him of her betrayal but them having close feeling for each other rider had to choice his child hood friend or the love of his live but when lord death try to kill her and hunt her down death rider step in as death was confused why his fiend he trust so much protecting her until he try to stab him they end battling as he told arachne to run far away from here as he fought his old friend there battle was great until lord death become victoryieus but lord death couldnt kill his old friend them begin togather sences little children what he did he hopes rider forgive him is he seal him away and be open and one day will open it himself and hoping his friend he once knew is still the same 

A/n : thats it for origin story if u guys are intrested of how his story arc goes tell me in the comments and i might make a book about him 

what death rider looks like 

Name : death rider but real name rider 

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Name : death rider but real name rider 

Age : same age as lord death or arachne 

peronaltiey : dark kind and sweet and be dangreues if needs two 

Crush : Arachne Gorgon 

Likes : fighting strong foes and warroirs his past and his loved arachne 

Dislikes : his friends betrayal sealing him away  for centuries and anyone try to hurt arachne or getting in his way 

Weapon powers and abilities: his weapon is is a blood dark blade that cut down mountains and uses in closes combat and blocks  anything he has super speed and his magic is using blood and dark magic and wearing his read blood cures mask he can control his power using blood strom blood needle nightmare raid and etc 

well this was short i hope u all enjoyed this story and once again let me know if u want a book about him and now enjoy the theme song 

see u all next time bye :) 

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