We were quite early, so only two or three other patients occupied the 20 chairs that were in the room.

Michael and I sat side by side, and were soon joined by Calum, Kirstin, and Luke as the rest of the kids lazily walked into the room.

Minutes before we were supposed to begin, the door flew open with a great force and a sleepy looking Ashton walked in taking the only empty seat, which was located located across the circle from me.

Our doctor for the day walked in, and introduced himself as Mr. Adams before sitting in the chair in the middle of the circle.

“Today we will be discussing what is worrying us the most at the moment. I want everyone to go around the circle and share their biggest worry or challenge that they are facing right now.” He said before pointing a girl, who I think was called Sammy, to begin.

She said that her biggest worry was that because the doctors were forcing her to eat every day now, she was scared of becoming even fatter than she was. I looked at her in shock, as she was literally skin and bones.

The next boy shared how he was worried about his mom who was suffering from cancer.

Two more people spoke before it was Ashton’s turn.

He took a deep breath than began to speak.

“My biggest worry right now is the fact that the girl I like, or maybe even love, is obvious to the fact. Since the day I got to this place, she has stood out to me. She’s beautiful, yet so insecure. She’s smart, yet so doubtful of her abilities. It pains me that I feel this way towards her, when she doesn’t even know. The worst part is, she probably doesn’t even feel the same way about me because no one could ever like someone so messed up and depressed. And-“ 

“Thank you Ashton, that’s enough for now though.” Mr. Adams cut him off.

The whole time Ashton was speaking, we had never broken eye contact. I knew he was talking about me, and I felt awful. I wanted to explain to him that I had a boyfriend. I wanted to explain to him that he wasn’t messed up, that someone someday would love him. That someone just couldn’t be me.

I glanced up at Michael who looked between me and Ashton multiple times, before standing up and grabbing my hand.

“Sorry Mr. A, but my girlfriend and I just remembered that we had other plans this morning, so we’ll be going now.”

Mr. Adams tried to protest, but Michael just continued walking, me in tow 

I caught a glimpse of Ashton as we were leaving, and the look on his face pained me.

As we exited the room, Michael turned to the right and continued walking.

“Oh my God! Did you hear how he was talking about you? I’m the only one that’s allowed to talk about you like that! He said he might even love you! I swear if that boy so much as lays one finger on you-“

He was cut off as Ashton ran out of the room, sprinting down the hall and passing us as he bolted up the stairs. 

“Michael, I think I’m going to try to talk to him. I need to set a few things straight.”

Michael scoffed in response before gripping my hand tighter.

“I’m not letting you talk to him without me. Who knows what that boy will try!”

“Michael, Ashton isn’t like that! I swear!”

“Oh, and how would you know?”

“I can just tell! He’s like me! Just let me talk to him?”

“I said no, okay? No means no. Now please go wait for me in your room. I need to do something, but I’ll meet you there in a few minutes.”

I gave him a puzzled look before agreeing and heading in the direction of my room. 

I opened my door and took off my shoes before jumping in bed. It was only 10 AM but I was already exhausted. I began scrolling through Tumblr on my laptop as I waited for Michael’s return, but quickly felt myself doze off before he had arrived back.

A/N Y'all all probably noticed that this book has a new cover, and it is indeed Michael and I (Rebecca)! I was bored on the plane so I decided to make a new one!

I greatly appologize for how long this took! I was on vacation seeing family in Washtonton DC, and I had to scare a room with my sister who would yell at me everytime I tried to type a new chapter because of how loud my typing was. 

Also, this story is starting to come to a close. There will still be a number of chapters, but I now have the entire thing planned out!

 Please comment telling me either what you think will happen or what you want to happen in the remaining chapters! Thanks for reading and voting, and sorry for the long A/N! 

I Promise (A Michael Clifford Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora