"Dang girl where you in a rush to?" Dalya asked.

"I have to get home I have work at 4 and I left my work clothes at home" I lied.

My clothes were in my backpack and I was going to my best friend's house, so she can take me. But I couldn't tell her that. She was going to think I like her best friend. Nobody needed to know until I was ready to admit that myself.

"Oh well text me later girly catch you later"

"Ok bye" I smiled then headed to the front of the school where my best friend Jackie was waiting in her blue convertible.

"Whats up? I didn't see you at lunch" Jackie said while moving her mcdonalds bag out the passenger seat for me to get in.

She turned down the radio so she can hear my excuse. I met Jackie on facebook during the summer before I moved here. She knew all about me and knew when I was lieing or about to make up excuses.


"Its about that Chris guy huh?"

"Ok yes but you know how I told you I didn't like him?"

"You do now huh?"

"Thats the thing i dont know if i do or not its weird"

"Girl you might be the new girl here but do you know how many girls would kill to be in your shoes? Chris is the most popular guy at school he's never like this about a girl ever trust me Bri he really likes you"

"You think so?"

"I know so"

Jackie turned up the radio and Drake's "marvin room" was playing. She has been going to the school longer than me so she should know more about Chris than I do. Maybe it was time to stop playing hard to get and give him a chance.

"Hurry up and get dressed I have to get you to work" Jackie snapped her fingers.

"Were already here?"

"We been here I just let you daydream about Chris" she chuckled as she got out the car and went into her house.

I rolled my eyes as I got out following her into the house. I went into the bathroom and began to put on my work clothes. Was I really daydreaming about him? No way.

That could not happen to me. I have never fell for no guy before and I wasn't planning on letting it be a player. I need to find out what he's all about. And soon.

I stuffed my school clothes in my school bag and took out my deodrant and spray. I began to apply them both on  me and put them back into my bag. Then I walked out the bathroom and headed to the kitchen.

There was a bowl of candy on the table, so I took a couple. I went to the refridgerator and grabbed a pink gatorade.

"Now that your done raiding my kitchen lets go" Jackie was standing by the stairs with her arms crossed.

"You know I always come in here girl"

"Yes I know with greedy ass you stay hungry"

"Whatever no I don't"

We both went out the house and she locked the door after us.


"Hey Chris"

"Hey I'm suprised you actually showed up"

"Me too"

Chris told Dalya to tell me to meet him up at this cafe, so I did. It was finally the weekend and a great day to start Saturday off. Now I can finally see what this player is all about.

"You hungry? Want anything?"

"I want a bagel with cream cheese and a french vanilla coffee please"

"Alright I got you I'll be back"

He was such a gentleman. I wonder why he thought it was fun to play girls and hurt them. Would he do me that way if I ever wanted to be more than friends? That was my reason for not trying to fall for him.

"Thinking about me again?" Chris chuckled as he set my bagel and coffee on the table and sat across me with his cup of coffee.

"Oh shutup, I was not now and wasn't before"

"Mhm sure why should I believe that? Your on this date with me now right?"

"But it took me a week Chris a week why me? You have plenty girls chasing after you and you choose the one who wanted nothing to do with you for a whole week its crazy really, I know your a player and I don't know if your up to something or not"

"Brianna thats the thing, everyone at that school thinks I'm some jerk or some big ass player I'm not like that at all my dad left my mom years ago and he never once came back he never even called my sister is now 8 and she has no father in her life, so my whole life girls fucked me over and I felt like if they can do me dirty I can too, but I never thought I would meet a girl that can keep my interest for a while until you came"

"Wow I never knew that Chris I'm so sorry I judged you"

"Thats the thing no girl ever wanted to give me a chance they listened to crazy ass rumors without getting to know me"

"Well I don't care what any girl or anybody has to say about you because I.. I like you"

"I like you too"

Chris came and sat next to me. He looked into my eyes as I looked into his and we kissed.

It finally happened! She gave him  a chance :D let me know what you thought of the chapter hope you enjoy it! Please vote/comment I love to hear any feedback!

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