Chapter 14 - Ground Zero

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Hydra Military Base, Morning

Strolla System

Terra Date 10-15-2201

On the other side of the mountain range, almost sixty kilometers from the remains of the Hydra Lab lay the sprawling Hydra military base. The bi-weekly transport from the surface of the planet Nova had just landed, full of recruits and other personnel.

Amanda Tucker and the other volunteers were exhausted as they lined up to disembark from the transport. The day before, they had left Nova Station to fly to the temperate and dry planet Nova. From there, they had just enough time to transfer to the transport cruiser for the overnight flight to the semi-tropical climate of Hydra and its many oceans. The officers told them to sleep on the transport, but Amanda didn't think anyone did. She certainly did not. She was too excited.

The humid air of Hydra hit her like a solid wall as she stepped out of the ship. She'd expected more moisture in the air than there was on Nova, but this was more than she had imagined. It was not, however, too much for her to handle. She hesitated for the briefest of moments before pressing onward down the stairs. By the time she reached the bottom, she no longer noticed the thickness in the air.

"This place is a lot like home, huh?"

She turned around to see another Space Dog behind her. A thin man with thick black hair and dark eyes, she recognized as Avalo. She thought his first name was Jacob. He had also been stationed with her unit on Luna Base for their three months of mandatory service before jumping to the Strolla system. She only shrugged in response, and they both continued to make their way across the tarmac toward the barracks. She realized that it had been over four months since she had set foot on a planet with natural air since leaving Terra.

Most of the passengers headed in different directions. Hydra workers went to the primary personnel building. But, new Space Dogs were to collect their gear piled up at the ship maintenance building adjacent to the barracks and then report for duty assignments immediately.

As Amanda and Jacob started their walk across the entire width of the tarmac, they spotted two men in Space Dog uniforms. They appeared to be waiting for them. When they got close enough, one of the men, a broad-shouldered and stocky, said curiously, "What do we have here? Two new Space Dogs."

The other Space Dog was a thinner and a bit taller man with an angular face and an annoying smirk. It was apparent that these guys thought they were something special, especially the first one. They didn't strike Amanda as friendly. She and Jacob decided to walk past as they approached.

Once they got closer, the shorter and stockier of the two, Lopez, according to his name tag, intercepted them and said, "Welcome to Hydra."

Amanda didn't like his intonation, nor did she like the way he looked at her. He impeded their advance, so they stopped.

"Sir, we were ordered to report for duty and join the search and rescue mission," Amanda said, trying to make it clear that she didn't have time for his nonsense.

"I'm just taking a quick look at our new recruit here." He leered and came closer. "Not too many Space Dogs look like you, Chica."

Amanda wanted to rip his eyes out and stuff them down his throat. But instead, she controlled herself.  "I don't like the way you are looking at me. I'm here for a job and not interested in anything else!"

Lopez's eyes met hers. Instead of backing down, he leaned in closer, as though he thought his inferred authority and imaginary charm would win her over. "The Strolla system is lonely without a strong man to take care of you. I think you and I will be very, very good friends."

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