"Go back to bed Sam." Flynn said coldly.

"But I'm not tired anymore." Sam frowned.

"Just try to go back to sleep." Flynn said, walking over and trying to turn him around.

"No, I want daddy." Sam whined, pushing him away.

"But it's my time with him!" Flynn snapped.

"Hey, papa is trying to sleep." Harry said, walking over to them.

"Daddy." Sam whined again, making grabby hands up at him.

Harry smiled, picking him up. "You're a daddy's boy, aren't you?"

Sam nodded, hugging Harry's neck.

"When is it gonna be just us? I'm officially eight now, daddy. Can we go out somewhere? Like to a bar?" Flynn asked, folding his arms and staring up at him.

"No, we can't go to a bar. But how about we go to the park? And maybe get some ice cream if you can beat me in a race." Harry smiled.

"Okay." Flynn grinned with excitement.

"Let's go watch those cartoons." Harry said, watching Flynn hurry off downstairs.

"What am I upposed to do when you're gone bye-bye?" Sam pouted.

"Stay here and play with papa and Dylan." Harry told him, going downstairs as well.

"But they're not as fun as you. They're like the same person." Sam frowned.

"You're right." Harry chuckled.

"Why can't I come too? It's not Flynn's birthday today. He's not special anymore." Sam said.

"All of you are always special. I just want to spend some time with Flynn. Don't worry, we won't be gone forever." Harry told him.

"Okay, but how long?" Sam asked.

"A few hours." Harry shrugged.

"That is forever." Sam whined.

"No it's not. You'll be okay." Harry said, kissing his cheek.

Harry put the pouty boy down on the couch, shuffling off to the kitchen to make himself some coffee.


Later that night, the family sat around the table eating a nice dinner prepared by Zayn and chatting.

"Slow down, babe." Zayn chuckled at Flynn, who was shoveling food in his mouth like this was his last meal.

"Yeah, if you start choking I'm too busy eating to help." Harry said, earning a stern look from Zayn.

Dylan giggled, looking at them both.

"Can I have more milk?" Sam spoke up.

"Sammy if you keep drinking you won't have any appetite. Maybe you can have some more after you're done eating." Zayn said.

"But my mouth is dry." Sam whined.

"You already drank a whole glass." Flynn said, looking at him.

"So? I'm still thirsty." Sam said.

"Eat." Harry told him.

"I'm done."

"You've eaten like two bites." Flynn laughed.

"Leave me alone!" Sam suddenly yelled, flicking a piece of corn at him.

"Hey-" Harry began.

"Don't flick that at me!" Flynn said, sounding offended as he picked up a handful of the corn and threw it back at Sam.

"Stop it, stop it!" Zayn snapped. "We don't throw food and you know that."

"You gonna whoop his ass?" Dylan grinned.

Flynn and Sam both gasped, looking at him.

"Dylan said a bad word!" Sam said, pointing.

"Where'd you hear that?" Zayn asked, staring at his plate and slowly putting his fork down.

"Just now papa. Didn't you?" Sam frowned.

"Hush." Harry said to him, causing him to sink down in his seat and stare at his empty glass.

"Violet said it." Dylan said casually.

"Don't say that anymore." Harry said to him.

"Why not?" Dylan asked, looking at him.

Harry stared at him for a moment. "Because I told you not to. Do you understand me?"

"But why can Violet-"

"Do you understand me?" Harry repeated, louder.

"Yes." Dylan mumbled.

Harry and Zayn looked at each other, both mentally sighing.

"Just think. Soon we'll have another." Zayn smiled.

Harry chuckled, shaking his head. "We'll be fine."

A/N: Finally! Thank you if you're still reading this, I know it's been a while.

P.s.- I have a new horror story coming in 2017 called Little Angel. It's a family story kinda like this one, but a Zayn centric. Please check it out, thank you :)

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