- Agh, you don't say! The only thing "blue" about him was his eyes and what was prince-like about him was his voice when he sang. The rest, he wasn't worth it. - makes a gesture of indifference. - Men. They are lying maggots. - she says and looks at the window. I'm surprised that so much resentment enters her little body.

- Not everyone is like that, or so I want to believe. My friend wasn't. - I assure her. - I hope someday you get to meet him.... If I ever get to see him again.

- I hope so, I'd love to. - a smile appears on her face and she seems to feel a little better. Dakota is going to be fine. She may look small or fragile, but inside, she's strong as a rock.

We are silent, each of us deep in thought. A few minutes later, I look at the time on my phone.

- Mmm, I think we'd better go. We have to get to the other campus, right? - I ask her because she seems to have a better idea of what it's like at this university.

- Oh, right! - She gets up in a hurry and grabs a colorful cloth backpack. She stuffs in a flowered pencil case and a ring-bound notebook. - I'm ready, let's go.

- Okay, give me two seconds. - I do the same as her. I take my black leather backpack, my notebook with the jean covers and my pencil case, which also has flowers, but different from hers. They are red roses, my favorite. - I'm done.

We leave the room and head downstairs, perhaps with more speed than I'd like. Dakota laughs when I ask her where the fire is, but she's acting a little strange. Or maybe that's just the way she is. After all, I've only known her for a few hours. We keep walking, slower this time, and reach the central garden. As we pass the huge fountain, I hear a lot of murmuring, laughter and shouting. I look up and.... It can't be!

My brother is tied to the fountain with thick chains and a padlock securing them. Just as Dakota said, he is wearing only his underwear. He keeps struggling and screaming to be untied, tremendously embarrassed. We stop to watch him, laughing loudly. Ethan turns his head to avoid getting his face in the thousands of pictures the other students are taking of him with their phones, but it doesn't do much good. Poor Eth! Those pictures are sure to be plastered all over the university starting tomorrow. Ethan recognizes me in the crowd and starts yelling my name, but Dakota links her arm with mine and we continue on our way, still laughing.

We arrive at the room where the lecture is being held and enter. It is very spacious, circular in shape with individual wooden desks. The room has several levels and there are stairs on the sides. Everything looks very neat and modern. I love it. We sit in one of the middle rows and wait. A few minutes later, the place is full of students. Different skin tones, different styles, and so on. It's really enriching to see so many different people. Among all the people I distinguish Grayson, who looks very happy and greets me, modulating with his lips, "everything in order?". I reply in kind and tell him yes, he has nothing to worry about.

- That guy over there... -I say to Dakota as I point at Gray. -...that's my other twin, Grayson.

- Damn, woman! Why is everyone in your family so sexy? - she exclaims with mock indignation and waves at him, smiling of course

I laugh just as the door opens and in walks what I assume, must be the Dean. She is a slender woman and moves in an elegant manner. She wears very formal clothes: a knee-length black tube skirt, a white shirt with a bit of lace on the sleeves and amazing black stiletto heels. She wears her chocolate-colored hair loose and a bit curly, looking younger than she should be. She smiles openly at us, showing her white teeth.

- Good morning everyone. My name is Cheryl and as some of you may already know, I am the Dean of this prestigious University. - She speaks slowly, loud and clear. She is a woman who commands respect, but at the same time is not at all intimidating. - I am not here to instill fear or intimidate you with my presence. I trust that everyone knows the responsibilities they have in this place and what they must do, or not do, to make your stay as pleasant as possible.

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