The Game

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Today's the day! I got up and got dressed at 5:00 AM today because I was so excited. It's currently 10:00 AM and the game to win a week with Matt and Amanda starts at 12:00. I'm so excited. The only thing I worry about will be my anxiety. Also my mom texted me this morning and said "having fun little bitch? Don't come back!"  So I'm kind of screwed. Which means I will have to probably enroll into an adoption center somewhere close by. In fact I should do that now. I'm going to call the nearest adoption center. 
[call below z-zoey a-adoption place]
Z hello is this the Sunny Side Orphanage?
A yes and who is this
Z I am zoey my parents just told me they are giving me up and that I need to find an adoption home here in california
A ok can you come in and have them talk to me?
Z I can have them talk over the phone when I get there but they are not with me
A ok come asap
[end of call]
I start walking to the adoption home and when I get there it's 11:00. Only one more hour and this won't matter to me. I think I'm here. I go in and talk to the lady. We call my mom and it's settled I live here now.
{{time slip to the game}}
"Hello everybody so today we are going to have you all go on a scavenger hunt. You have to find the items and then we will choose a winner. Okay here's the lists and now begin!" Matthias says as everyone leaves to start. I don't leave though. I noticed that everything on the list is in this room. On the list it says to take a picture of the things on the list so as I walked around the room and building I took pictures. Once I was finished I went back and they were just smiling. I gave them the list and showed them the pictures. A bunch of others walked in and did the same. Soon enough everyone was back and they were announcing the winner. "Okay so the winner, I don't know her name so I will just go and get her." He walks down the stairs and straight to me. He put his hand on my shoulder and smiled "come on." I followed him while everyone else left the buildings to mope around. We went back to this room that had a nice couch and a love seat. As soon as we got back there I saw Amanda with Luna rocking her to sleep for a nap. Matthias took Luna and rocked her while standing and talking to me "Good job kid! What's your name and how old are you?" I stuttered out "Zoey and I'm 14. I suppose you want to know a little about me?" He nodded with a smile and I went on " so I like to draw and play instruments I like to sing but I suck so I stopped. I ummmm, have anxiety and no friends," I giggled at the last part, "but that's cool I'm not much of a people person. Also I'm an orphan now I guess?" He put Luna in a crib that was in the corner of a room and let her sleep peacefully all the while he looked confused which means I should probably explain. " my mom texted me this morning. She gave me up. She's been telling me she would for at least four years and also hadn't been the best mom. At least not when it mattered." I started to cry and I just hugged him. He hugged back and I didn't let go. I heard Amanda sniffle she was a little teary eyed. I guess my story was really sad to her. I don't know but I kept crying and Matt picked me up and held me close. He sat on the couch next to Amanda and she leaned on us and joined the little group hug. It was the first time I felt like I had a little bit of love. Suddenly I fell asleep and everything went black and silent.

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