Pain Lobe

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The crushed...
The boiling rush...
The constricting gust when you inhale after that long troubled touch...
The feeling that borrows deeper then a bullet!
The feeling that stays longer then a mans mullet!
Your right I'm wrong so why do we still argue about which one should be stoned! I choose the pain instead of relief so that you can breathe a sign of ease. I choose to bleed even when it means it was just to tease. So why do we feel that it's normal when we know it's better than causing another to stumble!
I love you more than anything in this imaginary world which deludes the other side of our illusionary curls... I want to be bald because of every strand that bathed in this so called love only grows tighter because of your selfish urge! I will die over , I will take a due over , only if it means we will get pass this barbaric shoe store you call big shoes to fill! Leave it all in the past if it means making me a graceful dad... leave it in the past if it means being my one and only key to my dark gap! Leave it in the past if it means fighting for another moment where we laugh! So my question to you who view is... will we last long enough to create our own little special tasting sap!
Maybe we will last long enough to create a sap that we constantly have to add ingredients too because of its bitter taste of a broken home!

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