Chapter 37: Our Destination is Far Away

Start from the beginning

Just as expected she sneaks up on me with a pocket knife in her hands, but breathes out in relief when she sees that it's only me and puts the knife away. "Knew you were a light sleeper. Drew awake yet?" I ask.

She shakes her head, "He's been out like a dead beat. I think for the first time in a long time he is actually allowing himself rest. That's good to hear. If anyone needs a break, it's Drew. "So I assume that you didn't come here to talk to him at all. What is it that you've come for?"

"First off, I know you hate me and with good reason, but I wouldn't have come to you if I had anyone else, anyone at all to turn to, but I don't. I am entirely alone and I need your help." I elaborate and she gives me a glare in return and already then I know that her answer will be 'no'. "Please." I add, hoping to change her mind.

It does...

"So he is capable of saying 'please'?" She sighs and motions for me to follow her downstairs where we can talk without waking Drew up. She sits down at the kitchen table and I follow her movements, "Now tell me what the hell you want because in case you haven't notice, we don't exactly work for the same side."

"I know and I wouldn't be here if I wasn't this desperate. I never chose to be on their side Tamarind. You have to know that. I was forced." I begin to explain.

"There's always a choice. No matter what, there is always a choice."

I nod, agreeing. I always had the choice, just never took it. "I am curious though, why haven't you killed me. You know that I am working with them yet you haven't even tried to pull a move on me and I've been waiting for it, embracing it even. I know what you are."

"We're called vampire hunters for a reason. We have a code that we follow. Killing humans goes against the code. We only kill vampires, hence the name. Is that really all you wanted to discuss?" she asks and then goes onto say, "How did you even find me?"

"I always know your whereabouts. You're not the only one that can track people down." I shrug, "You should revise the section where you learn to cover your tracks properly. It was in the open."

"That's because I didn't realize that you could track."

"There's a lot of things that you have yet to realize about me."

"That I know. Now could you get on with it." she prods impatiently.

"I am leaving town for good, today. I don't have a choice in the matter and-"

She cuts me off, "What did I just say about choices? You always have a choice."

I shake my head, "Not always. If I don't leave today then they tell AJanae Nova what I did to her mother. That's not even the worst part. They said they'd kill Dean and Drew. If I don't leave then your precious Drew dies. You think I want that? I never asked for this life. I never asked for any of this."

She presses her lips into a thin line and points out the facts, "Neither did I and neither did AJanae. Do you honestly think that I want to spend my nights risking my life to hunt their kind down? I never asked for this life either. My family are all hunters. I was born into this life."

"And what happened to always having a choice then?" I ask, scanning her face as I catch her off guard.

She hesitates for a second, "You're right. There isn't always a choice. Fourie you have to do what they ask. You have to leave. If something happens to Drew because of you, then you'll have started a war with me. I'll do what you ask and I'll help you with your situation, but if any harm comes to Drew because of you, then so help me God I will hunt you down and kill you myself before they even get their chance at you."

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