The Unit

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hey first time uploading. if you like it then comment pls so i know. anything u dont like tell me thanks. if u like it ill post the next to chapters also i was very young when i wrote this the ideas are me when i was roughly 13ish. anyways hope u enjoy. also i recommend another story called indentity quest. enjoy. changed a bit of it. i shall be lengthing the first chapter as well maybe. More will be uploaded later

A dark chasm of elder trees encrusted with age and good life stood surrounded in a narrow closed off valley safe from human interference, this was about to change. A column of blackness could be seen in the distance, a dark unit. They trampled through the valley with no respect for nature or life itself. They bore a striking resemblance to demons. Huge bodies, encased in a fortress of cold molten steel shaped in the likeness of a grotesque gargoyle helm, which closed their dark eyes away from the world. Eyes which held an aura of terror and could turn even the bravest hero into a coward. Broad mishap blacked metal lay embedded into a hard cold piece of steel forming weapons which mirrored their wielders in more than appearance, the sharpness of the blades where even a touch could break the skin and also the hard quality finish in the craftsmanship, who had to have been death itself to craft such as terror, the structure and military discipline in their stance and deliverance showed a hidden leader pulling the strings from his merry throne. Their appearance had their armour not been the deepest black would be of noble knights but they were the exact opposites. They were simple tools with a single purpose. To destroy the necromancers.

Necromancers were once magic users who decided the lure of the power of life and death was worth abandoning their very soul.. Necromancers needed no blade, bow or even the strongest of magic; they used the power of mind. A necromancer could uncover your darkest secrets and fears.

Renown in torture and the reconstruction of the dead, rumour told of a boy who crossed a necromancer, a hero called Eric, a strong boy of age and mind, began slaying many sorcerers after the death of his family a feat which angered the masters of death who considered sorcerers their pawns. A foolish necromancer called Sinus took revenge over the killings and performed the death ritual. He conjured a Shade using the help of three of his brightest pupils. A Shade being a spirit of something gruesome like a Reaper and it had enhanced abilities which made it physically wrong and highly gifted in magic. The Shade was given one task which afterwards it ravaged the foolish necromancers and his followers with the deceased orders. In a small narrow valley Eric encountered the Shade and fought it. He was defeated. The shade took his life energy and was known as one of the most deadly Shade ever. Later he was sealed away by a rogue assassin, who tricked the Shade. After this event necromancers became notorious and since then none have challenged their supremacy.

The unit neared a small grove, embedded with a selection of moss and algae; it had crumbled rock, cracked with age and decay, bits of undergrowth tightened its embrace on it. Strangely the wall seemed out of place, as all around was forest scenery and plants. An unusual shadow lay near the bottom of the grove, where no plants grew or animals trod. This by itself echoed with an immediate danger, yet the unit didn’t even stir instead they edged closer, their huge gauntlets edging towards their enormous crisp blades. In the forest a cry of a deer was cut short as the wolf that had been stalking it for the past half hour grasped its prey triumphant. The unit’s heightened eyes saw the wolf tuck into its prey happily, occasionally licking its paws and then rubbing its face licking the deer’s blood from his paws.

The grove had suddenly changed; where they had been plants and moss lay a cold platinum disc, surround now a hard oak door, there was a crude drawing of a skull just above the door, it had been burned into the platinum. Many people would be happy to discover at least six kilos of platinum but the unit looked at it with cool seriousness. They had no need for wealth. Slowly they headed for door, when a harsh voice boomed a warning.

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