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I never rant on here bc I haven't felt the need and it's stupid to rant on here but here I am, what a hypocrite (:

so what's been pissing me off is how fake people I know are turning out to be. I know some of them follow me on here and yes they're gonna ask em about it like "oh, Jason what's wrong?" and they're gonna go tell one person and that one person is going to tell their whole little "clique" in our friend group and tbh I really don't care bc yes I am calling you guys out and to be quite frank I could care less. so anyways, my friends and I have a "friend group," as we like to call it. it's not a clique, despite the fact that there has been one that's developed in the group, but it's just a term we use for the people we hang out the most, and the people we're friends with, thus calling it "friend group." so there's been a clique that's been established in the group and tbh I'm not surprised st all bc this has happened before and with the same people and I'm like ha ha ha wow this is so new!!! and what I lOVE is how one of the people in the group used to be my "best friend" and she used to talk to me a lot and vice versa and now when she talks to me there's a slight point of "why is he talking to me" or "I don't want to talk to you this much???" like honey please tell me because I'd be more than glad to leave you with your little clique and your "best friend" that you call and literally shut everyone out when you're with her like thanks, it's a great thing to know that you're literally drifting away and acting so fake right to my face I just !!!! and what I love the most is how I sat next to one of the main people of the clique the other day and she gave me the most bitchiest, why-are-you-sitting-here look ever. I'm just like yes, sweetheart? sorry but the last time I checked, you called me your "best friend" because we've been friends for over 9 years, but then again, that's just a phrase you throw around with every new person that you meet so ??? and oh my god I cannot begin to tell you how much I hATE when there's two friends that call each other "best friends" and shut everyone out when they are with each other like that is the most pettiest thing you could ever do LIKE I get that you guys are "best friends," but is it really necessary to shut everyone out when they try to talk to one of you guys?  and I have this one friend that's so passive aggressive like one moment she'll be like "ew why are you looking at me" to "oh my gosh I love you so much you're so cute" like ??? I don't know if you actually want to talk to me and consider me a friend of yours if all you're doing is being passive aggressive with me all the time? it's one thing to do it as a joke but she literally does it every time we talk omg

I barely talk to anyone now bc they all seem so fake around me and it's like I feel like if I talk to them they get annoyed just like that and it's starting to get to be bc I've noticed that I haven't had a good conversation with any of them in a while like I used to in the past but idk

this whole rant sounds so bitchy and if you wanna perceive me as a bitch and ungrateful, you do you, but I'm just letting you guys now that it wasn't my intention to, I'm just letting our feelings 

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