"Growing up is not the problem... Forgetting is" - TLP

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Thomas felt a buzz near his head, his eyes opened slowly. His phone was lit up, stuck underneath some stray homework papers. He rubbed his face as he was casually starting to wake up from his heavy nap. He moved the papers aside and grabbed his phone. It was a text from a number he hadn't recognized. Thomas rolled off of his stomach, now laying on his back with his phone above his face, unlocking it and reading the text he had gotten:

?: 'Hey Thomas, it's Anjelica. I know we haven't spoken or anything in years, but we were really good friends in junior high, remember?'

His phone slid out of his hands, clocking him in the nose. "Ouch..." He rubbed his nose, making a better choice to sit up in his cot and use his phone.

T: 'I don't recall. Sorry.'

A: 'Oh. I'm sure you know who I am, silly! :) We were in the same History class every year!'

Thomas was still confused, scratching his head. He remembered his history classes in junior high, but he didn't remember Anjelica. He does remember sitting next to a girl, but he was positive it wasn't her. Couldn't have been. The girl he sat next to was always mean to him.

T: 'I do remember sitting by some girl, but I'm positive it wasn't you.'

A: 'Perhaps if we met up sometime? Would that help? You're in college right now, right?'

T: 'Princeton. Yeah.'

A: 'Wow! Really? I am too! If you aren't doing anything right now we can go for a walk around campus if you'd like.'

T: 'Sure. Where would you like to meet up at?'

A: 'The cafeteria. I'll see you soon!'

Thomas sat there for a second, reading that last text over and over. He started to think to himself, "This will end up being a low-key date..." He inched his butt closer to the edge of his bed, then pushed himself up. "Might as well dress...pleasant." He scrounged his ocean of clothes, finding his "lucky flannel". Then he scrounged more for his jeans. Found them. He slipped on some socks and then his slides, opening the door and walking out. He maneuvered the hallways like he has done this a million times--which he has. The halls were empty, although the sounds of voices could be heard from the dorms. He looked at the time on his phone, 9:23 pm. Dang, he didn't think he slept that late... Thomas was approaching the cafeteria a lot quicker than he had anticipated, he was actually a little nervous about meeting her. He began to run through all the worse case scenarios in his mind. What if he made a fool of himself? What if he says something to upset her? What if he spontaneously combusts? Thomas slowly assured himself that none of things would happen, he would be just fine if he kept his cool. The cafeteria was darkened, since the lights were off. Obviously. Why else would it be dark? He could see a figure sitting on top one of the tables. Probably Anjelica. She looked short, as he drew closer, he confirmed his assumption. Her hair was put up in a bun, with hair dyed a bright red, she was squinting at the bright light of her phone. By the light on her face, his memories slowly started to come back. He remember how he would often call her a chipmunk because of her chubby cheeks. She had those still... Thomas casually approached her, inadvertently calling her the old playful name. "Hey there, chipmunk." Anjelica looked startled at first, she looked at him with a small awkward smile. "Hi..." Her voice was quiet, he didn't remember her ever being this shy. Thomas sat down on the same table near her. "You definitely got a lot taller..." Anjelica whispered, she seemed a little intimidated by his monster height. "Well, things happen when we weren't around each other." Wow. That was cheap. He thought to himself. Thomas gulped. "What are you studying here?" Anjelica didn't say anything for a moment. "Biochemistry... Something I always dabbled in." She shrugged her shoulders then tossed her phone to her side. "What about you?" She leaned back on her arms, looking up at him. Her eyes were dark, most likely brown. Thomas felt his cheeks getting warm as he stuttered. "Majoring in English..." He stared at the ground in front of him for a few seconds, he didn't notice that she was giggling at him. "Oooh. I bet you're all kinds of smart, huh?" Thomas rolled his eyes, he couldn't help but to smile. "Says the one taking a chemistry course." He ran his hand across the back of his neck, his face burning up as she giggled more. "I'm sorry I didn't remember who you were... Things got away from me as I went into high school and stuff." Thomas felt dreadful for his awful memory. Anjelica only smiled at him. "I don't blame you. When you get into high school, you have to start planning out your life, set your priorities. You'll tend to forget the meaningful elements of your life...such as childhood friends and delightful memories. Growing up is never the problem. Forgetting is."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2016 ⏰

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