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[Camera quickly zooms into logo of RR as title of show appears on screen, the same music playing]

Interviewer (off screen): Are you happy with your choice of Marissa?

Vanna: [looks unsure, hands tighten around the portfolio in her hand] I got into work late and didn't even have a chance to read the email. It was the portfolio closest to me and I thought why not, you know? [Shrugs] I hadn't even seen her work.

Interviewer (off screen): [prompting] And now that you have?

Vanna: [swallows] I'm stuck with it now, aren't I? Got to help her the best that I can.


[Camera poised on the offices the mentors now have to work in. Eight competitors accompanied with their mentors file into the room. Three judges stand at the front waiting.]

Voiceover: It's the first day of the competition! For our eight competitors, this is the first time they're meeting their mentors. The judges have gathered everyone to give the details of the first week's brief.

[Camera cuts to mentors standing in two lines of four facing competitors as they walk past them. Seth is standing next to Cristal, who has buzzed her hair off over the weekend.]

Seth, dramatically: I could forgive the tattoos, Cristal [lowers voice as Sydney turns back to give him a dirty look] I managed to ignore them for the most part, even. But [takes a deep breath] I don't know if I can ignore what you look like now.

Cristal: [rolls eyes] I couldn't care less.

Seth: You should. As someone who is now required by a legally binding contract to see your face five times as a week—it's my duty to inform you of these facts.

Sydney: [turns around to scowl at Seth standing on the step above her] For God's Sake, shut your bloody mouth.

Seth: [crosses arms over chest] Turn around little Welsh girl. Haven't you got another sheep to go shag?

Sydney: Listen here you twat y—

[Camera cuts to competitors standing in two lines of four. Marcel and Giselle stand on either side of Lex.]

Lex: I can't believe that they're arguing over there. How unprofessional. I'd rather die than have either of them as my mentor.


Interviewer (off screen): What are your first thoughts about your opponents?

Giselle: Well . . . they all have personalities.


[Camera pans to the double doors that swing open as Remington Ricci arrives. Scattered applause begins. Remington stands facing the two groups, in line with the other judges.]

[Editors cut:

"You are going to make that seem more dramatic, aren't you? Remington asks, scrutinising the clip played back for him. "I'd like for someone in this room to be competent at their job."]

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2016 ⏰

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